Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Setup issues BP SOCIAL CONNECT – FAcebook SLUG URL issue

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  • #102255
    Hi, I've seetup BP social connect with FB, but each time a member is registrering via FB, his profile slug is: his EMAIL SO the name + surname of the members is well display, but on my admin (users tab on wordpress, the new registreed user is name by it's email, and not his name+ last name) + the profile slug it's his EMAIl adress. How can i change this please ?
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Well please set the name field as default for your name profile field in facebook settings in bp social connect . Sometimes first_name field is not fetched from facebook . Also it would lead to conflict if someone has same name and last name .
    Thanks Alex, that's working fine now, jsute have a huge probelm now : the URL SLUG of my facebook profile IS MY MAIL. So each time someone register via FB, their profile url is their MAIL ! This is really wrong ^^ how can I fix this please ?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well this cannot be changed due to limitation in wordpress . We cannot depend on the user's name as two different users might have same names then this will lead to conflict in wordpress . Therefore to avoid this we need to rely in something which is more unique which is email .
    I am having the same problem, therefore i am not opening a new thread. My profile field mapping: http://imgur.com/a/9NW2V This is great to display the right info in the users profile but the URL slug for the members profile page is his email with a random 3-digit number at the end. Is there no way, that the plugin uses the name plus that random number slug to avoid conflicts with duplicate usernames instead of disclosing someones email?
    Anshuman Sahu
    as mentioned above we needed a unique thing to create username as its unique in wordpress . so we used email with random numbers appended . If we do it with names then it may conflict later with other user .
    what are the chances that name+lastname+X-digit slug is going to be a duplicate? Is there a way I could modify the plugin to behave in such way and take the chances of conflict?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Im sorry there isn't any way as of now and we cant change the code in plugin that is not reliable . You can use other social login plugins .
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