There is no Email Template preview being displayed in LMS->Settings->Email->Email Template if the admin language is set to non Latin. Everything is ok if I switch Admin Language to English.
Unable to replicate the issue .
refer :
Issue may be appearing due to other third party plugin that is creating js error on non latin languages , that you may have installed .
Can you please take a look here
As I said the problem disappears if I switch the admin area language (same site, just the display language) to English. Same plugins, which mostly are from the Full load WPLMS site.
Login: vibe PW: vibe2#test
The script responsible for saving email template is not loading in your subsite.
We tested this on our test site and found it to be working fine .
Please try network activating the vibe customtyes plugin for this .
In meta_box.php you set the conditions to start those scripts, based on the English name of the settings page name (<span style="line-height: 1.5;">lms_page_lms-settings). </span>
function persistent_admin_scripts($hook){
if(in_array($hook,array('lms_page_lms-settings','post-new.php','post.php'))) {
At the same time you provide vibe-customtypes-ru_RU.po where LMS term is translated, so the settings page has name tsentr-obucheniya_page_lms-settings. As the result those scripts do not start.
I think it will be easier, if you exclude the term LMS (custom-post-types.php line 18) from translation, and .po file. It automatically solves the problem, so there is no need to change the code, unless you'll check the condition, excluding the prefix of the page name, by the '_page_lms-settings'.
This seems to be an issue with the wordpress add_menu_page function itself .
We have to remove the LMS from translation files .
It should not be available for translation .
refer this topic on wordpress forums :