Menus and Roles: Student, Instructor, Admin

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  • #3933
    Hello, I'm unable to determine why the default menus are not being set for someone who has a role that is not a Student, Instructor, or Admin person. For example, I'm allowing temporary access to someone who has the initial role as Subscriber. That means they should not see the menus that I've established for Student. However, once they qualify, they will be given either a role of either Student, Instructor, or Admin and the appropriate menus will be available to them. How can I resolve this? Thanks!
    Have you referred this tip :
    Yes I have and I do that currently. However, the issue is with regard to roles. I've also seen other topics on here as well. Again, my specific issue is that if the registered person is assigned a role of something other than Student, Instructor, or Admim, I want them to only have access to the Main Menu and not the ones that I've establish if their role is as a Student or Instructor.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please set the default user role as"Student" in your settings ->general . Also please note that the subscriber is also the students in wplms and  admin is also the instructor  .
    You're still not understanding what I'm trying to do here. I need a role that is neither Student or Instructor that will only show the default: Main Menu, Footer Menu, and Mobile Menu. My organization will decide an applicant's role once their application has been reviewed. The problem is the fact that even if I don't assign the role of Student or Instructor the NEW applicant's default menu for ANY initial applicant is the Student menu. I've seen discussions of using the Nav Menu Roles plugin. However, there are conflicts with vibe_menu. Alex, please ask one of your colleagues if you're unable to understand what I'm describing here. I think the request is pretty clear. Once more: I need the default Main Menu, Footer Menu, and Top Menu to be used for any role that is NOT Student, or Instructor since these last two clearly have the ability to have their own unique menu. It's unfortunate that one can't be created for Admin as well, but that's another, and somewhat, related matter.
    Anshuman Sahu
    YOu have to create your own menus then for your specific roles , To show the student and instructor specific menus wplms just check the capabilities of the current logged in user and show the menus on this basis . WPlms do not check for the specific user role  . It just checks if the current user can edit posts then she is instructor else it is considered as student and that is why th admin is also an instructor be'coz admin can edit posts . So you have to create a menu for the specific user roles .(use wplms customizer plugin files or child theme for customizations)  .
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