Hi, Based on your system, we set up courses in it it has many units. However when user is on the last unit, once u click 'mark unit completed ' - it does nothing ( as there is no more new units to go forward ) - i just think the 'ending of the course' is not obvious, and it simply is odd for users < in my case>. What can you suggest that it can 'take u to an ending page' - as the finish course button is not obvious and it should be more automatic - like automatically inform a user this is the last of the units and that course has ended? as my course has no assignments, and no quiz - . it does not need any submission for any markings.
I agree. I feel there should be a "Finish Course" button in the place of "Next Unit" in the last unit.
Can we have this please?
Agreed, this makes sense.
Moving topic to issue log. We'll add this suggestion in next update.
Thanks for suggestion.