About migrating the domain.

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  • #269355
    Hello, I have developed my client's website on my subdomain and server, now I want to migrate it to his domain name and server, so I want to know that the Envato username which I will need to activate wplms will work after migration on the another domain or will I need to buy another? ( I have not added the username yet, I wanted to try the premium addons, so I was going to add but I had this question. )
    Anshuman Sahu
      Yes it will work you just need to login and authenticate using the same update method : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/auto-updating-wplms/ If you have not tried any premium addon then there is no problem coz trail is available for once in lifetime on any site . If you have used up a trial for a plugin you cannot have use another trial on main or live site again .
    ok thanks for the help.
    I want to know one more thing, can a Parent use delete his children? in the parent-child module?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yes parent can remove his children from children ab in his profile.
    Thanks for the help, you can close this topic, Your support system is just great, WPLMS will be the first theme which I am going to give 5 starts.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Thank you very much.
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