Automatically assign certificates

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  • #270018
    Good Morning, I would be grateful if you could indicate how I can make the certificates be automatically generated and assigned to the student who finishes the course. Currently I have to look at who has completed the course and assign it manually. I would like it to be automatic. At the moment the student finishes the course, the certificate is generated to be able to download it. Thank you.
    Hello,   First go to course>>edit course>>setting and set this field automatic:   After that complete course and finished course from here:   From these steps student get certificate automatic,   Thanks,
    Buenos días, Tal y como les muestro en la imagen que les adjunto a continuación, realizo lo que me comentan pero el certificado no se genera automáticamente. También he puesto el curso como "Finalizado". Pero continúa sin generarse automáticamente. Me mantengo a la espera de que me puedan dar una solución. Gracias de antemano. Un cordial saludo,
    hi, for this if you have any quiz in the course that is set to manual evaluation then it will wait for the quiz to be evaluated. so make sure that for the particular user it has the activity recorded as you have completed the course if user don't have this activity recorded in their activity section then it is not going to be generated if you find any difficulty to perform this then provide
    1. student credentials to perform the testing(create new user as student and add him in the course then provide us)
    2. course url in which you have added this new user
    3. admin credentials  to make the changes to complete your need
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