Course duration

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  • #343659
    In the course edit page I inserted "16" as course duration and "hour" as course duration parameter. In frontend appears "0 DAYS". 0 days
    I guess, you changed the parameter in wp-admin > WPLMS > Course Manager But, this setting is not working right now, and it will show the duration by changing the time in days I can try this using custom code to show in hours, please tell me on which page you added this carousel?
    So it can only be globally changed in wp-admin > WPLMS > Course Manager? Because I modified the course duration time unit in the course edit page (wp-admin -> LMS -> Courses -> edit page of a course) from "days" to "hours" but course carousel always shows in days. I had to globally change the time duration globally in wp-admin > WPLMS > Course Manager. Bu this way I have to always express duration in hours... even if I have courses with duration < 24h and courses with duration > 2 days. I don't understand what is the course duration time unit in "wp-admin -> LMS -> Courses -> edit page of a course" for if WPLMS just read the one in "wp-admin -> WPLMS > Course Manager"?
    Let me explain in a more clear way. The code we wrote here is actually counting the time you set for courses. If you are setting duration of a course > 24 hours Then it will automatically convert it into days This setting in wp-admin > WPLMS > Course Manager is no longer working I can check hook on course carousel, if we can write custom code to show hours instead of days then I will share it with you. Do ping me tomorrow
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