Custom Featured Block style

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  • #24340
    Hello, I followed your guide here -
      I did this in the old version 1.9 and everything worked well. But with the upgrade to 2.0 I see two files: customizer_class.php and customizer_class2.php   Where should I add the custom code to create custom block style?
    H.K. Latiyan
    There should be only one customizer_class.php file and this file is only included in the wplms customizer plugin. Wplms customizer plugin is never updated.
    Hello, I downloaded the wplms package directly from ThemeForest and this is what I find in wplms-customizer plugins folder
    H.K. Latiyan
    I don't know how it came, but if you are getting two files then delete "customizer_class2.php" file and keep only "customizer_class.php" file.
    Thank you very much Minister. I added the code to create a custom block style but I get an error how do I fix?
    Hello, Please can you help me solve this problem?   in wplms 1.9.9 custom course block worked well but with 2.0 I have an error message
    Anshuman Sahu
    There was no such error when i tried to apply that tip . can you please sahre you wp-admin credentials and site url to check this ? PS : mark reply as private while sharing the credentials .
    Hello Alex,thanks for your answer.   Site: user: Alex_VT Password:! TXTG! GlTEj4zZkDnVITxzbk
    Hello Alex, I managed to solve. I think it was a problem with the wplms customizer plugin file. I recovered the plugin from a backup and now works well. Thanks anyway
    Hello Alex sorry if still disorder. I think there is some problem with the plugin wplms customizer. As I said before restoring this plugin from an old backup (the wplms version 1.9.9) customization of the course work well block. I also noticed that back to work the shortcode that I mentioned here The only problem is that it does not work now the admin key in the course page on the front end.   In addition, I looked at the files in the plugin wplms customizer and I noticed that there is a difference between those of wplms package 1.9.9 (currently installed on my online site) and those of the 2.0.2 downloaded from Themeforest and I have installed a test site for testing before upgrading. Maybe several problems can result from this difference? Can you help me understand how I can make it all work? Thank you
    Anshuman Sahu
    Can you please share your old wplms-customizer plugin so that we can check the both the latest and old wplms customizer plugin ?
    Hello Alex, currently I managed to solve most of my problems.   I try to explain: I have two sites with wplms, the first is online with the 1.9.9 version and any customizations you've made over time. The second is a test site, this is in version 2.0.2. I was not able to update theme and plugin with wp-admin panel so I decided to use ftp and I loaded everything. I found some problems and discovered that wplms-customizer plugins had differences in the files it contained. I share with you my old version of the plugin (the same one that is currently online on my website). I managed to run the customization of the course block style and even the profile menu buttons, because if I was using the old version of the plugin then curriculum links, members, admin etc were not working. The only thing that I still can not solve is the shortcode [heading] in the course description, it works if I install the old version of wplms-customizer.   I hope I explained myself.
    Hello Alex, I'm sorry if you still disturbance on this topic. Today I noticed that the code I added to create a custom block style only works after you have logged in, if you are not logged in the block does not take the customizations that I added. Why does this happen? can you help me?   The code that I added in costumizer-class.php is:   add_filter('vibe_builder_thumb_styles',array($this,'custom_vibe_builder_thumb_styles')); add_filter('vibe_featured_thumbnail_style',array($this,'custom_vibe_featured_thumbnail_style'),10,3);   function custom_vibe_builder_thumb_styles($thumb_array){ $thumb_array['modern1']= ''; return $thumb_array; }   function custom_vibe_featured_thumbnail_style($thumbnail_html,$post,$style){   if($style == 'modern1'){   $thumbnail_html =''; $thumbnail_html .= '<div class="block modern_course"  data-id="'.$post->ID.'">'; $thumbnail_html .= '<div class="block_media">'; $thumbnail_html .= 'ID).'">'.featured_component($post->ID,'medium').''; $thumbnail_html .= '</div>'; $thumbnail_html .= '<div class="block_content">'; $thumbnail_html .= '<h4 class="block_title">ID).'" title="'.$post->post_title.'">'.$post->post_title.'</h4>'; $thumbnail_html .= '<div class="course_price">'.bp_course_get_course_credits().'</div>'; $thumbnail_html .= 'post_author).'" class="modern_course_instructor" title="'.sprintf(__('Course Author %s','wplms_modern'),bp_core_get_user_displayname($post->post_author )).'">'. bp_core_fetch_avatar(array( 'item_id' => $post->post_author, 'type' => 'thumb', 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64)).'';   $thumbnail_html .= '<div class="course_meta">'; $reviews = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'average_rating',true); $students = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'vibe_students',true); $thumbnail_html .='<span class="dashicons dashicons-groups">'.$students.'</span> '; $thumbnail_html .='<div class="modern-star-rating">'; for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++){ if($reviews >= 1){ $thumbnail_html .= '<span class="dashicons dashicons-star-filled"></span>'; }elseif(($reviews < 1 ) && ($reviews >= 0.4 ) ){ $thumbnail_html .= '<span class="dashicons dashicons-star-half"></span>'; }else{ $thumbnail_html .= '<span class="dashicons dashicons-star-empty"></span>'; } $reviews--; } $thumbnail_html .= '</div></div>'; $thumbnail_html .= '</div></div>'; } return $thumbnail_html; }
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well i really was not able to replicate the issue . Please check if you are using  any server side cache for the logged in and logged out users or you are using any caching plugin in your site.
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