Dear support,
Put a {{n}} is not going to work when it reaches 10.
we need it 0001, 0002 .... 0010
Please look back the posts (page 2) of this threads for my requirement. You guys asked me to make payment to you guys to build this special customised certificate code.
You guys confirmed that the paid special customised plugin will work. Payment has already been made but the given paid special customised certificate code plugin is not working at all accordingly to my requirement mentioned!
We need this fixed urgently, it is affecting all new generated certificate with same certificate number.
Thanks for reporting. I am checking this.
I have made fixes in the plugin.
The plugin was not increasing count when giving certificate from course . - admin area.
-- following query :
SELECT count(date_recorded)
FROM {$bp->activity->table_name}
((id < %d AND type = 'student_certificate')
OR (id IN (
FROM {$bp->activity->table_name_meta}
WHERE meta_key = 'add_certificate'
AND id < %d
AND YEAR(date_recorded) = (
SELECT YEAR(date_recorded)
FROM {$bp->activity->table_name}
WHERE id = %d