Edit Embed Image Links and Alt Text

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    See video with issue: https://vimeo.com/553387228/52b7526058 Note: This is a 6 minute video, it is the shortest that we could do to clearly communicate the issue we're facing. Editing embed links on front end course landing page editor v4 This link is broken because we changed the subsite in the network There is no method provided for editing embed image links you have to delete the image and add it again. This would be fine if it's only 1 image or only 1 course. We have lots of images and videos on our landing page and they are all embedded because the media library feature on v4 doesn't load older images only the most recent. There is also no option for adding alt text for the images. We test the Embed name field and it doesn't populate as alt text. There is no alt text option for embedded images which is really important for SEO The original course content was done using the backend LMS-> All courses -> Course name We are changing over all the editing to the front-end editor. I will publish to see if the content will be duplicated or if we have to go to the backend to overwrite or clear that content It is very tedious to keep scrolling back to the top to add each element because embedding images does not work from the blue editor inline Again there is an issue with the link and we have to go back to top and change. An edit image feature would be GREAT for embed images and landing page updates when we're changing image content etc Thanks for your time Jevaughn TBU Support
    Hi, There is option to load more images in select image option. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S07K0yCwBinh7iiVZtV-rPDT_MYSTZ69/view Also there is option to add alt text for the image in the media https://prntscr.com/139l29t
    Hello Ada, We have never seen the load more button before, hence our pursuit of the embed options. Here is a video of the issue https://vimeo.com/553707603/95dd31df2f Additionally please add a delete confirmation popup when the user clicks the RED x on the image (front end). The X is very unforgiving, I thought it was there to remove the image from the result and then load more but it instantly deleted the images from our database forever. Thanks Jevaughn TBU Support
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    Hello Ada, We did some more checks and updated WPLMS Plugin 1.5.7 Having some Load more button issues See video with issue: https://vimeo.com/556903551/e1662da349 Here is the Text from video: No load more link appears if you want to change the course image Load more button only loads 2 more images when adding images to course landing page (when it did appear once) No load more this time. No load more link appears if you use the inline Add image feature on the course landing page When adding a unit, no load more link appears when adding images Regards, Jevaughn TBU Support
    Hi, Load more button will appear when there are more images than it can contain in single view. Also load more images may be adding 2 images in your case if there is only 2 image more in the library. In my case it is loading 20 images when pressing load more button. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nMtYLlI9TUBzjiPc638Dw1UESQMNudUi/view The inline image tool is also giving load more images link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XVaqbFaidvlxzBfKKC-veu6AyX8U7eOZ/view So once add more images in your media and then check this issue .
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