Since we started working configuring the Dashboard, a very strange thing is happening to us when we login to wp-panel ...
When we enter www.web.com/wp-panel and the login appears and we fill it in and cick "access" (https://prnt.sc/ybe2vb), we get always this error message (https: // prnt .sc / ybe5pw) ... Then, if we click "back", the login page appears again (https://prnt.sc/ybe2vb) and then when we enter the password and user again and click "access ", it lets us enter to wp-panel ...
It is as if every time we want to enter, we have to do it in three steps:
1. Enter username and password in the login and click "access"
2. Page with error message and we click "back"
3. We re-enter the username and password in login and then it does allow us to access wp-panel
Could you help us know what has happened so that since we started configuring the Dashboard this is happening to us?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
for that, we need to replicate it
as I have tried with the above-provided link
but it shows
404 not found here
so please provide credentials and URL and also check what page you have selected for login redirect may be the page has been deleted
this can be the issue
This reply has been marked as private.
It was because few settings of your site were incorrect which I have replied here
and also corrected them
Please check again and share if this issue is resolved or not.
Yes, Ada!! Now it works the first time! Thank you very very very much! Closing the ticket! ;)
thanks for your confirmation closing this one