Few problems/questions

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  • #4869
    I'm having a few problems with the LMS - The website is stevens-server.com. I'm starting to think I have have missed some essential part of the setup.
    1/ What I eventually want to do is have teachers give access to their students for any course they buy. It will be the teachers who initially sign up and then have to mark their students work. Is this possible?
    2/ I've had to fix the main menu so that it shows up on pages where there isn't enough content to scroll down - which is fine but the problem I have is that you cant see the top of the page is covered by the menu. Is there anyway to drop the start of the page so that it's all visible?
    3/ On this page: http://stevens-server.com/course/unit-1-level-3/?action=curriculum I get the following error: Missing argument 3 for WPLMS_tips::show_assignments_in_units() in on line. I have searched for information on this error but can't see anything relevant.
    4/ I've used the update function a couple of times since buying he theme but haven't updated the child theme - I'm not sure how to do it or if it's necessary. Please could you just confirm that this is okay?
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Can you please clarify on this ? In wplms student get access to course when she purchases the products connected to it  . Also instrcutors cn add or remove students in course from course admin . Intructor signup is not available in wplms as of now .However you can use the ninja forms and its front end plugin addon for this  .   2. Try adding the given css from wp-admin  -> appearance ->customize ->custom css: .home header + section#content { padding-top: 130px; }   3. Please share admin credentilas and site url to check this issue . PS : mark reply as privtae while sharing info  .   4. For this just download the frsh new upadted wplms package form themeforest using your themeforest account . Then locate the modern child theme.zip file and just install and activate the theme modern theme  .  
    Thanks for your speedy reply. On point one - I was originally given a teacher and student book for this course by my client what I wanted was to have a real teacher sign up for the course and manage his/her students using the LMS but without being able to change / create new courses. I'm not sure if WPLMS is the right platform for this - I'm happt to spend the time getting it to work but if you think another platform would suit better please could you let me know? Your CSS worked - thanks! Login details are http://stevens-server.com/wp-admin/ steven #&R$H9&$FF On point four - I have WPLMS one page. Would it be this I update and will it overwrite anything when I do? Thanks for your help. Steven.
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Instructor signup is not available as ogf now . Either you have to add a instructor manually from wp-admin or you can try the ninja forms plugin nad its front end addon for this . 3. Please share valid ftp credentials . PS : mark reply as privtae while sharing info  . 4. Please download the new updated modern child theme from here : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/modern-theme-installation/
    Hi, FTP details are: server: ftp.stevens-server.com user - [email protected] pass - c=qv.Tqa#JB6 On point one - I'll try and use ninja forms. Can I create a new type of user so the the instructor (or Teacher) has less privileges and cannot create courses but still administer her students and mark their coursework? If you think WPLMS will work like this then I'll continue with it but would consider working with a different platform if you think it will take too much time / editing to get it to work - Do you guys do bespoke work on your themes? Thanks, Steven.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi we have fixed the issue at your end about that php error "Missing argument 3 for WPLMS_tips::show_assignments_in_units() in on line"  . It was a child theme error ,we have updated many of our functions but the child themes are not have been updated since long ago  . SO this error appeared due to that outdated line of code  .
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