free course

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  • #262309
    Hello, So a free course requires a registration. Fine. After registration my visitors get send to the shop and pay for membership. Is it possible that when a visitors clicks the free course, wants to start the free courses, clicks TAKE THIS COURSE, gets send to registration, registers and then gets redirected back to the course that was/is free? Long question.. Only the last part requires adjustment I think. A hook that tells visitors that are at the page of a free course to regigster and then get send back.. Love to hear from you, PS: I've got new hosting. Website is twice/three times as fast :)   Gijs
    @MeesterGijs, That's a good news that your website speed is improved now. But I am little confused with your question. You mean click on Free Course and instead of enrolling it redirects the users to register page?
    A free course can only be accessed if you register first, right? Because I've connected a paid membership to the courses, I've redirected the registration page to the shop so visitors can go and pay for their membership after having registered. I want one course to be free of charge. So they don't need to go to shop after registration. Is it possible for this one course by adding script that when a visitors goes to, presses the course button, gets send to registration, registers and gets send back to the course? Instead of the shop. Or... Is it possible to have another registration form that allows the same functions, the same form (so a copy of but a form that doesn't send you to my shop but to that one specific course? Two options. Which one can we realise? Kind regards, Gijs
    You can use this setting: As soon as student activates the account, the free course will be assigned to the user. No need to pay for membership
    Yes, thanks! That's great. But I have 60+ courses. just one is free of charge. Is it possible to create an identical checkout form ( for that free course that gives members the same rights (student role) but doesn't redirect to shop but to that free course?
    @Meestergijs, I am sorry, not possible. Instead of that you can add the condition in your code which is redirecting to registration page that if the clicked course button is a free course then do nothing
    But you need to register for a free course, right? So I want them to get redirected to registration. I want code so that when registered they get send back to free course. Or can I also create an exact copy of my registration page (/aanmelden) for the free course? It's just one course that's free: /item/present-simple. GIjs
    @MeesterGijs, For every course to access you need to register first. And, the feature you are asking for is not possible sir You can enable the setting to assign free courses on account activation. So the course will be assigned automatically. But to change the functionality according to the course is not possible. If you are accessing course page and it is a free course then set the login redirect to same page so that after registration and login the user will land on same course The option to redirect user to another registration form when course is free is really not possible  
    Thanks, Diana. I do have great creativity, right? Haha "If you are accessing course page and it is a free course then set the login redirect to same page so that after registration and login the user will land on same course" - I can't because they register and than still have to purchase a membership, so I don't want them redirected to a course, but to the shop! Where I make my money :) "You can enable the setting to assign free courses on account activation. So the course will be assigned automatically. But to change the functionality according to the course is not possible." I guess this is my only option. THanks :) Closing
    @MeesterGijs, Yes, I told you all the options what we are offering so it will not create any confusion later on Closing this topic
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