How do I change emails text?

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  • #12406
    How can I change the text of auto emails sent. For example, I want to change the text that shows in the email that shows the certificate. I know it might be in the translation files, but could you please specify in which theme or plugin?
    Anshuman Sahu
    The texts that are sent in the email are in the vibe course module plugin . Most of the texts are in bp-course-notifications.php file in vibe course module plugin .
    Hi Alex, I also need help with this. I can see where the text is but can you show an example on how to add link to the message. for example I would like to add a YouTube video to the certificate message. This video will show how to download or correct name on certificate " congratulations you received the certificate for this course. Certificate Video link here"   Thanks Danish
    Anshuman Sahu
    Sorry embedding videos would not be possible as this is for the text translation only by referring the tip : You can add the url in the translation of your video .
    Hi Alex, Is there any way to change this text (email content and subject) instead of modifying the core file of plugin? Thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    all these strings are available for translation . Please refer tip to translate theme back to english or any other lanaguage :
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