How: remove reviews everywhere + number of students only visible to tutor/admin

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Styling issues How: remove reviews everywhere + number of students only visible to tutor/admin

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  • #175545
    in wplms, I need: FOR REVIEWS, remove them all, everywhere in the website. but have somehow a way of letting students share their feedback directly with the instructor. The courses get updated based on feedback within a few days, there is no need to have outdated reviews all over the website. I know about the custom css below, but it's a very tiny and insufficient  change on the course page:.course .course_header div#item-meta strong {display:none !important;} FOR NUMBER OF STUDENTS, only visible to tutor/admin.
    Or if there is a way to let student make their reviews with comments, but the review results are only visible to tutor/admin.
    @saadrida You can send a private message to the instructor of that course and give him feedback
    The question is how to make the reviews not visible to visitor and students?
    Mark Morgan
    Hello, Apologies for confusion in understanding your issue. To remove the reviews and number of students in a course you have to add the css code provided in this tip . Refer :
    Not working for the number of student on the single course page I have used the code you provided in the link which is:   #buddypress div#item-header div#item-meta .students{ display:none !important; }   But it doesn't work. I can still see the number of students:
    Mark Morgan
    Try adding this css code in your custom css  to remove students from single course page. .single-course .students_undertaking {display:none!important;}
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