How to hide some stuff on the “my-courses” page

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Styling issues How to hide some stuff on the “my-courses” page

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  • #300855
    Hi, I want to hide some things on the "my-courses" page. For details please refer to this link: 1) How can I hide this remark? 2) How can I hide this button? 3) How can I hide this dropdown-menu? 4) How can I hide the buddydrive-button? 5) How to hide these menu-points? 6) How can I hide the number of comments and favorites? Thanks :)
    Add these CSS in wp-admin > Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS Answering in order Point 1: .activity #buddypress #item-body form#whats-new-form h5{display:none !important;} Point 2: .activity #buddypress form#whats-new-form #whats-new-submit{display:none !important;} Point 3: .activity #buddypress li#activity-filter-select{display:none !important;} Point 4: Buddydrive menu, I am hiding here so that it will be hidden only, if you want to remove then deactivate Buddydrive plugin #buddypress li#buddydrive-personal-li {display:none !important;} Point 5: #buddypress li#activity-mentions-personal-li, #buddypress li#activity-favs-personal-li {display:none !important;} Point 6: .activity #buddypress .acomment-reply,.activity #buddypress a.fav.bp-secondary-action {display:none !important;}
    Hi, thanks for your reply. I would like to hide some more things. For more details please refer to this picture 1) hide the "search courses" section 2) hide the "page 1 of 1" remark Thanks
    Hello, go to appearance>>customize>>custom css and use code given below: .course .dir-search form#search-course-form {
    display:none !important;
    } .course div#pag-bottom #course-dir-count-bottom {
    display:none !important;
    } Thanks,
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