How to update without loosing translations

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  • #5199
    Hi, I've made some translations using codeStyling Localization (and I keep CodeStyling Localization Preserver installed), but when updating to newer version I loose all translations made, for example, to vibe course module. How can I keep the translated terms? Thanks!
    Ok, Codestyling + Preserver or LocoTranslate with global setting, is what we recommend. However it is important to understand why this happens and how you can fix it : a. Translation files are flat files which keep index and translation string and translated string. like : index - String - Translated string (123-Take this course - Faça este curso) b. The indexes are generated based on location of the translation text found in code. c. When we add a new feature to a code, we add new translation strings and the indexes update. d. So, the translations do not apply correctly due to index mismatch. In which case all you need to do is "rescan" the translation files in Codestyling or Loco-translate plugin and you're done. let me know if rescanning of translation files does not resolve the issue.
    Hi, Unfortunately the rescan did not work. :/ Thanks for your help!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please check your wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder for the translation files of the your plugins . Please copy the related langauge files in your corresponding plugin folders . For Example :  you will  find the vibe-en_US.po and file in the wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder .Copy these files in your wp-content/plugins/vibe-course-module/languages folder  .  And then try rescanning  . Also please check the folder and file permissions in yourr server for the path wp-content/languages/ folder .It must be folder permissions must be  755 and file permissions must be  644 . There may be issue with the folder permissions in your server due to which code styling was unable to rescan the files  .
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