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  • #360275
    Please, tell me how fix it. I dont enable any domain in my firebase project.
    Scott Lang
    Checking your issue
    Anshuman Sahu
    we checked you have configured templating for forgot password mail in firebase which is not required at all in setting up firebase with wolms . please try creating a nee project , enable realtime database then copy config to vibebp settings firebase configuration .
    Please this is very confuse for me. You have credentials to acces to my Firebase, Can you do it for me? Please, thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    I checked this out and found that there is a feature called app check enabled somehow in your account which is blocking the requests to signin . IT will only accept requests from verified host . Please contact the firebase support on how to enable app sign in requests ? this error is appearing: Requests from referer https://cursospilatesonline.firebaseapp.com/ are blocked
    Ok, I send a form asking for a solution for this problem. I will tell you somethig as soos as I get the firebase support answerd. Thanks
    Hi, Firebase support have send me this email: As you can see only the HTTP referrers that you specified can call the API. In order to fix the issue, you need to re-add cursospilatesonline.firebaseapp.com/ * to the list of HTTP referrers. You can do this by navigating to the APIs & Services→Credentials panel in the Cloud Console. I add cursospilatesonline.firebaseapp.com/. Please, Can you check if now a user can login with google and facebook?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Nope still same errorr Now its saying : {\"error\":{\"code\":400,\"message\":\"API key expired. Please renew the API key.\",\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"API key expired. Please renew the API key.\",\"domain\":\"global\",\"reason simply create a new firebase project acc to this video it will work rather than waiting for firebase support .
    Hi, I create a new project, can you check if now its working the login gon Google and Facebook?
    I tried but I dont know why the popup close automatic in less than one second, so I cant try it.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Ok now we are getting :
    a: null
    code: "auth/unauthorized-domain"
    message: "This domain (cursospilatesonline.com) is not authorized to run this operation. Add it to the OAuth redirect domains list in the Firebase console -> Auth section -> Sign in method tab."
    Also check if you have enabled google login and email signin in firebase project -> Authentication -> signin method .
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