Old buddypress profile page blinks at loading

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Styling issues Old buddypress profile page blinks at loading

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  • #383933
    add this in custom CSS section: .page-template-vibebp div#vibebp_member { margin-top:-24px; }
    Better now.. but with new issues as moving the profile up forces some other elements to move https://prnt.sc/rkGkJNTbwtBE
    hi I have just checked the same and found that it is same for all menus available in logged in there
    Ok.. I am now stuck. Here is the situation I am facing right now: https://prnt.sc/p7d4rgdpu-20 1. What template should I use to have MENU shown correctly with no issues for the profile template? 2. I checked on different computers and creens and I still see the broken template on profile page 3. Could you check on my site what should be done please?
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    Hello, yes, it is ok. But how to fix this profile glitch (at 00:17), you see it and show the area with the mouse at the video. It is not because of the profile template as it breaks even if the profile is a blank page. How to fix it?
    Ok, adding more issues: 1. As I wrote in previous message- profile template glitch https://prnt.sc/SoMhJDoMYJAJ as seen on your video as well, the menu breaks a bit and is moved to the side. How to fix? 2. This is buddy press on single page and when I turn it on, if I hover the mouse over the profile name (right top), the dropdown menu will not appear. But if I click on the profile name, the dropdown menu will appear but the click will work on the name and I will be redirected to the profile. Could I remove the dropdown menu? (even if I disable it, i will still have profile and logout dropdown). Or is it possible not to activate link to the profile when clicking and seeing the dropdown menu?
    Hello, is it possib;e to get feedback?
    hi I think your reply was moved to the spam we would like to request that remove all the previous custom code which is provided regarding this issue we have check it from scratch
    I have deleted all the css codes that had been applied to the website and still got the same error And one more questions that I asked previously: 2. This is buddy press on single page and when I turn it on, if I hover the mouse over the profile name (right top), the dropdown menu will not appear. But if I click on the profile name, the dropdown menu will appear but the click will work on the name and I will be redirected to the profile. Could I remove the dropdown menu? (even if I disable it, i will still have profile and logout dropdown). Or is it possible not to activate link to the profile when clicking and seeing the dropdown menu?
    Even after the theme reinstall - the same appears Turning off plugins and customizer - the same result
    add this code: .vibebp_sidebars .vibebp_left_sidebar_wrapper { margin: -5rem 1.5rem 0 -1.5rem;} .admin-bar .vibebp_myprofile .profile_menu{ top:0; } .withsidebar .vibebp_myprofile.elegance .profile_menu .menu_items>div.is_active>span:before, .withsidebar .vibebp_myprofile.elegance .profile_menu .menu_items>div.is_active>span:after { box-shadow: 1.5rem 0 0 var(--sidebar); } .vibebp_myprofile.elegance .profile_menu .menu_items>div.is_active>span:after,.vibebp_myprofile.elegance .profile_menu .menu_items>div.is_active>span:before { right: calc(0.5rem - 4px); } and also remove this code: .page-template-vibebp div#vibebp_member { margin-top:-24px; }
    Again - no.. Nothing changes. Tried many times, cache cleaned, it looks the same. And pleace comment on the question I asked several times above: I use buddy press on single page, and if I hover the mouse over the profile name (right top), the dropdown menu will not appear. But if I click on the profile name, the dropdown menu will appear together with the click activation on the name and I will be redirected to the profile. Could I remove the dropdown menu? (even if I disable it, i will still have profile and logout dropdown). Or is it possible not to activate link to the profile when clicking and seeing the dropdown menu?
    checking on your site...
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