Price display for variable products (part2)

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  • #60051
    Hello guys, sorry to recreate a new topic, but i still had one problem with the pricing display treated in the code you provided : .single-product .product p.price { display: none; } solves the problem exactly as i wanted for variable products, but recently i started to use standard products, and the price is not displayed at all. Is there a way to applied the above code to only variable products please ?  
    H.K. Latiyan
    The price shown above the variation is the woocommerce product price, so if you hide it then price from all the products will be hidden. The price above the button is the variation price so you can hide the variation price by using the below custom css: .single-product .woocommerce-variation-price {display: none;} Now if you remove the previous css and add this new css then the product page will look like this: Single product page without variation: Single product page with variation: But the reverse is not possible because HTML structure is same for the price.
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