Purchase without creation of user account

Home Forums WPLMS AddOns WPLMS Parent user Purchase without creation of user account

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  • #250986
    Hi I have a request where a parent or a sponsor buys some courses for their wards. They just want to pay but then provide the email address of their wards to create accounts. Is this possible? I can see the parent plugin just allows you to monitor existing users but it does not display how it affects the purchase process? Do they parents still need to purchase one course at a time? Hpw would that work? Regards    
    This is not available in Parents Addon. But there are multiple ways for this. a. WPLMS Gift Course : Gift the children the course, supports account creation and payment can be made by the parent. Automatic enrollment into the course. b. When they claim the gift, the parent will also have to claim them as their children by entering the secret code which children can see in their profiles.
    Another option is the : Batches Buy Batch feature : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/wplms-buy-batch-feature/ --
    Thank you very much
    @ART-Providers, Closing this topic
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