Questions about Zoom Integratios

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  • #258833
    I have installed zoom integration and i have some questions to reach some objetives in my web page . 1- I have Pro Account with 4 accounts , i need to set up to 4 meetings at the same time using one account for each meeting right ? then i have set the meetings as units for one specific course batch, the instructor of the course can Open the meeting to enter as moderator? or i need open the meeting with the host account every time ? . 2- how i can add instructors to a group ? actually i used the function add memebers but just add the instructor as member, not as instructor. 3- how the instructor can enter in the meeting as moderator? actualy if the instructor open the meeting  they see a message " wait for moderator/host to start the meeting". Then how i can avoid that situation? because i need that the instructor can enter and start the meeting. 4-In BBpress profile only show meeting ( with bbb) doesn´t show metings made with zoom integration, the only way to see is in the course group page. in that case how i can link to student profile one link to my groups? in where the student can se all the groups that they belongs . 5- the students can view the recording of the meetings? how i can do that in my website. 6- can i set batches with diferents units? to set meetings with differents dates for differents batches/groups?
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. meeting at same time you will need 4 accounts : we have not tested this yet , maybe same account will work .Yes instructor can open the meetings but it opens the zoom app , so you might need the credentials of the account in your zoom app installed on system for this to work .
      2 . you can set the privacy of meeting for instructors only . 3 . Well this is the problem explained in point 1 .We actually need to register every instructor to zoom user in your zoom account in order to start the meeting as moderator here . We are checking if we can register accounts using api. 4 . Well bbb meetings and zoom meetings are totally   different than each other there should be two tabs visible to you . 5 . recording option is not available as of now . 6 . yes as batch has option to set different curriculum for the course for each batch .
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