Quiz customization

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  • #336130
    Hi, please help me to customize quizzes 1. I set unlimited time for quizzes, but time appears, how to remove icon or set it correctly? http://prnt.sc/xke59i 2. I want to remove flag, question mark, basket and bookmarks icons. 4. When student passes quiz, I want to remove retake button and hide quiz. 5. In student dashboard I want to remove My quizzes, My assignement, Notes & reviews. 6. I can manage, as admin, all quizzes from LMS, but in the dashboard, Instructor Controls, I can manage only my quizzes, is it possible to give me complete access? I am both admin and instructor in all courses. 7. If retakes finish and quiz result is "failed" I need a message explainig "Please contact instructor", now it's impossible to go ahead but without explanation. 8. A strange thing happens: when student got a mark = to passing score I inserted, quiz give the result "Failed", while a message (Pass/fail) says "Congrats, quiz passed!" http://prnt.sc/xke72b Thank you for all!
    Hi 1,2 - You need to hide this with custom css code Add this code in appearance>> customize>> custom css
    #vibebp_member .vibebp_main .circle_timer {
        display:none !important;
    #vibebp_member .vibebp_main .quiz_info >div:nth-child(2) span{
        display:none !important;
    #vibebp_member .vibebp_main .quiz_questions_content .question_actions > div{
        display:none !important;
    #vibebp_member .vibebp_main .quiz_questions_content span.bookmark.button{
        display:none !important;
    5- For this Please install wplms-customizer plugin from https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/wplms-customizer-plugin/ Then goto plugin editor >> wplms-customizer >> wplms-customizer.php and add this code
    function hide_student_menu(){
        $user = wp_get_current_user();
        if ( !current_user_can('edit_posts') ) {
        //The user has the "student" role
        #vibebp_member #course_component .vibebp_left_sidebar a.notes_reviews , a.quiz_results , a.assignment_results {
        display:none !important;
       add_action('wp_head', 'hide_student_menu');
    6- As an instructor you can manage only your course and quizes . To manage all the courses and quizes you need to login with an admin account.
    For 4- I'll give a code here soon. 8- Please share a recording with us because it is working fine at our end. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cEoM5BDJlrTmtkSMscP4qSl_YC3S1KPA/view
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    To hide trash use this css code
    #vibebp_member .vibebp_main .question span.resetq_answer.button {
        display:none !important;
    for advanced stats check this https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/advanced-quiz-statistics-in-react-quizzes/ 4- Add this code in wplms customizer.php
    function remove_retake_button_if_user_passed_the_quiz($retakes,$quiz_id,$course,$user_id){
        return $retakes;
     if($user_marks >= $quiz_passing_marks)
       return 0;
       return $retakes;
    5- Checking at your site. 6- Checked at your site with admin credentials . able to manage all quizes https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V8wCEK34_UomtXG2SmNIlhFFA7NNJdP4/view 7- Need to check code. Give me some time .Ping me tomorrow. 8- It is working https://prntscr.com/xpdvo6 Please create a seperate topic if any issue is left as we follow one issue=one topic
    Hi Ada, I remember you the code for this: 7. If retakes finish and quiz result is “failed” I need a message explainig “Please contact instructor”, now it’s impossible to go ahead but without explanation. Thank you so much for your precious assistance!
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    Please check my team mate's response on this topic: https://trello.com/c/ZpBqmc1S/2694-bug-pass-fail-shortcode-issue-in-version-4 http://prntscr.com/zpctvk user need to set one mark less than the actual passing marks if passing marks are expected to be 2 then he need to set 1 in passing marks field We have a check which works in this way. I hope you got my point
    Hi Diana, I know that if passing marks are expected to be 3 then we need to set 2 in passing marks field. But if I insert Passing marks: 2 If you score: 2 my Pass/Fail message says Pass, while your program says Failed. Suppose I remove my Pass/Fail message to avoid inconsistencies. But even if your message says Failed, it is impossible to retake the quiz, you need to move on to the next unit. I want to remove the quiz once I pass it. Can this code affect the results? add_filter('wplms_quiz_retake_count','remove_retake_button_if_user_passed_the_quiz',10,4); function remove_retake_button_if_user_passed_the_quiz($retakes,$quiz_id,$course,$user_id){ $user_marks=get_post_meta($quiz_id,$user_id,true); $quiz_passing_marks=get_post_meta($quiz_id,'vibe_quiz_passing_score',true); if(empty($quiz_passing_marks)) return $retakes; if($user_marks >= $quiz_passing_marks){ ?> <style> .vibebp_main .incourse.quiz_retake { display:none !important; } </style> <?php return 0;} else return $retakes; }
    Can you please ping me here tomorrow. I will thoroughly check this point as well in the existing issue you are facing Then I will report it to the developers, the card is moved to "development complete" and we need to inform developers if I found this issue One point is confirmed that "pass/fail" shortcode is not deciding the retakes but the system message which show failed is actually creating problem here
    Hi Diana, is there any news?
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    Hi Diana, thank you for checking. Now that you found the issue which is the solution? To adjust the code?
    If retakes finish and quiz result is “failed” I need a message explainig “Please contact instructor”, now it’s impossible to go ahead but without explanation. For this try this code
    function show_message_when_failed($retakes,$quiz_id,$course,$user_id){
     if(!empty($quiz_passing_marks) || ($user_marks < $quiz_passing_marks) || ($retakes == 0)){ //user is failed
     	echo "Please contact instructor, impossible to go ahead";
     	return $retakes;
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