Quiz result according to categories

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  • #206380
    Hi, I created a quiz with few questions. I am looking to setup quiz as per following business case. 1) Create many questions per topic (or chapter) 2) There are around 10 topics (or chapter) 3) Topic wise quiz with 10 questions in each quiz 4) Each topicwise quiz can be taken 3 times, each time with different random combination of questions from that topic 5) One combined quiz which will have questions per each topic (number of questions per topic may vary) 6) Results should be displayed as total percentage in entire quiz and topicwise percentage in that quiz. Could you please guide how to achieve this with current features in WPLMS.
    1. you can create quizzes in every chapter or a course with practice quizzes. to understand all types of questions: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/front-end-quiz-creation-with-all-9-question-types/
    2. if there is 10 chapter means you want to add 1 quiz with each 10 courses. that's also possible.
    3. you can create dynamic quiz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xGi64dwZnE
    4. there is quiz retake options in quiz setting. you can set this at 3. user wont be able to take quiz more than 3 times.
    5. you can create a final quiz in last unit of the course.
    6. you can enable this setting from wp-admin > lms > setting > general setting > refer: http://prntscr.com/nhi9d3 then you need to connect every quiz with the course in quiz setting. if quiz is not connected with course. then its mark will not be considered in the final result of course. after enabling this setting every quiz should be connected with the respected course. only then their marks will be included in quiz.
    TIP: Create a test course with 2 or 3 units and attach quiz with them. test all modules as suggested above then create a final course. let me know if you want any other information.
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