WPLMS Optimization: Service Worker + WP Rocket

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  • #356988
    Hi, I have tried to follow this tutorial, where you indicate how to optimize WPLMS using WP Rocket Plugin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IRNZDGBcDQ&t=124s But almost nothing works on my site: - It does not correctly generate critical CSS (it only generates a few) - I cannot combine JavaScript files (it generates display errors on the site and the login menu disappears) - It seems that the Preload functionality does not work (at least, the preload of sources does not work ... I guess because they are already being loaded by the Service Worker). - Among other issues. QUESTIONS: 1. Is it really possible to optimize well with WP Rocket if PWA / Service Worker are active and running? 2. Do you recommend using the Preload function of WP Rocket if you are using PWA / Service Worker? 3. What functions of WP Rocket to use and what functions not to use, if using PWA / Service Worker? https://prnt.sc/12tnasy 4. Maybe I should stop using WP Rocket at all? Please, this is very important to us now, because we have quite a few complaints about the slow loading of the site. I really appreciate your comments and advice.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please simply enable the service worker to cache files in browser strongly recommended . Yes combining js files does not works with some scripts .this is why we are recommending enabling service worker , it compensates this . 1 . yes shown in tutorial .not needed if you enable service worker . 2 . preload not needed if you enable service worker . 3 . mainly for CDN for images , that will help and caching the pages and cobining css files to one plus it provides some server level caching in form of redis or opcache(if server supports) .Second thing is database caching . 4 . no already explained advantage in point 3
    Thank you @Alex It would be wonderful if you could make a video of how to use WP Rocket to complement the optimization of WPLMS, for those who use PWA-Service Worker. Maybe you can also share it on your YouTube channel. This can give us two great benefits: 1. Avoid the incorrect use of WP Rocket or other cache plugins, so as not to cause issues in the operation of WPLMS (PWA-ServiceWorker). 2. Adequately complement the optimization already generated by the Service Worker, so that we can improve the speed of our sites. I guarantee that this video will be greatly appreciated by the WPLMS user community. I hope you will consider it. Thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well video is there. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IRNZDGBcDQ&t=124s But I guess there some of the things that are missing with it . We will be adding it soon .
    Yes, I know that video (I mentioned it in my first post on this topic). Excellent video and very useful really, as long as you don't use service workers. In that video you get a 90+ score in PageSpeed Insights. But, to get to that score you have to use JavaScript minification, combine Javascripts, among others, which I cannot use because I am using Service Worker. I meant that you can make a new video showing how to optimize WPLMS with a cache plugin for those who specifically use PWA + ServiceWorker. For now, my PageSpeed Insights score is very low.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well the page speed actually depends on server to server and site to site . The elements used on home page , the images used and the resources which are loading on the page . So there could be difference based on this particular reason . Service worker should be enabled , it helps.
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