I just did a quick skimming through the code and it seems they added a hook you can use to accomplish that: bp_course_wplms_filters
This is a good starting point to see if it suits your needs.
I don't think their code is open sourced, but you may ask them
Try adding the following code to your child's theme style.css
.single-post #title {
background-size: cover !important;
1 - You'll need a custom field and for that you can use the hook 'wplms_course_metabox'
2 - If I understood it correctly you want to either use categories or a custom taxonomy. I think this topic may help you:
3 - You can create your own sidebar at: your-domain.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wplms_options&tab=2
For widgets you'd need a custom solution
4 - Some widgets are only meant to be used in the user / teacher dashboard, but I've also seen this behavior when I changed the dashboard slug, but this has been solved since. You can read more here:
5 - You can find some info online but you'll definitely need to use a custom code. I'm afraid there are no constructors for custom widgets.
I hope that points you in the right direction
Follow Latiyan's instructions but use this code instead:
.single-unit .notification {text-align:center;margin-right:0;}
Let me know if it works
Todas as páginas com o prefixo 'features' são apenas para demonstração do tema, pra acessar o seu forum, vá em:
Painel Wordpress >> Configurações >> Fóruns
Procure a opção 'Raiz do fórum', e o que estiver lá será a url do seu fórum.
Ex: Se a raiz do fórum for: foruns >> A sua url sera: seu-site.com/foruns
Se você ainda não criou nenhum fórum a página vai aparecer em branco.
Ps: Posta em inglês que as chances de suas dúvidas serem respondidas são maiores
So I'm guessing you didn't created the shortcode yourself, you just added it to the page, right?
Your shortcode has a function 'attached' to it, if you have access to it and can post it here I'd be able to tell you which selector you have to give 100% width, if not the only way would be posting the url to your page.
If you don't want to share your url publicly just check 'Set as private reply' and someone from Vibe Team will be able to help you.
Ps: I'm not part of Vibe Team
Good luck
There's a number of different reasons why it isn't centered and its difficulty to determine which without having access to the actual page.
The most visually appealing solution would be adding 100% width to its container:
.your-note-wrapper-class {width: 100%;}
If you want it to be full width you could try adding margin auto to the container.
.your-note-wrapper-class {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}
Hope it helps
I'd like to use the forum's rss feed to get news about wplms updates on my feed reader, but your feed is broken.
Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/vibethem/public_html/documentation/wplms/wp-includes/query.php on line 28
Thank you
I can confirm this is not a hosting related issue as my client has reported this error to me yesterday and she isn't on GD.
It happens after the upload and only with instructor's accounts...it's not related to image size, third party plugins or child theme, it's definitely presented in WPLMS.
Since it seems only we're facing this issue would you mind sending me an email with more details to help me further debugging this?
I wouldn't have that url hardcoded, but anyways...the attached file should achieve the desired result. Just replace it in your wplms customizer plugin.
Let me know if that works for you
Edit: I can't upload the file, here's the content:
class WPLMS_Customizer_Plugin_Class{
public function __construct(){
} // END public function __construct
function wplms_private_course_button($link){
return '/assine';
} // END class WPLMS_Customizer_Class
} // END if(!class_exists('WPLMS_Customizer_Class'))
You could try reverting the permalinks for Courses.
LMS >> Settings >> Check Revert 'pretty permalinks for Courses'
Let me know if that works for you
Try adding this to wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> custom css :
.sleek .woocart .buttons .button {
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 5px;
Let me know if that works for you
If you have a url for you website I can give a look for you. I always use either a child theme or a specific site plugin, but I believe you can also use the customizer plugin that comes with the theme.
The problem you see is that there's no enough space for both buttons and that's why they fall into a new line. There are different ways to address that, but the way I'd do that, based in your screenshot, would be by enforcing both buttons to take the full width of it's container.
Without the selectors is difficult to provide a fix, but I hope the general concept helps you nonetheless.
I don't have the website files here to confirm, but I think the default template page doesn't have a sidebar. Have you tried using 'Right Sidebar Page' / 'Lef Sidebar Page'?
Let me know if it works for you.