
Front End Revamp Update

New Features

  1. New Front End Course creation module : shortcode [course_edit] : Tutorial
  2. Setup Permalinks for Course/Units/Quiz : WP Admin – Pemalinks
  3. Modern Theme with OneClick Setup : Tutorial
  4. Course Location Taxonomy available (WPLMS options – Course Manager) : Tutorial
  5. Course Category /Level/Location redirect to Course Directory switch : Tutorial
  6. EventOn : Tutorial

Updated Components

  1. Module Tag in Course units
  2. Course Start Date filter in Course Filters widget.
  3. Enable Unit Comments only where Comments are enabled in post settings : WP Admin – LMS – Settings
  4. Enable Unit Time as Drip Duration : WP Admin – LMS – Settings
  5. Advanced search Widget & Search page with location parameter
  6. WPLMS init/register architecture improvements.
  7. Non-Ajax Courses switch : WP Admin  – LMS – Settings

Issues Fixed 

  1. Touch points notifications,emails,messages
  2. Media Lock in Units
  3. Module Tags in Units
  4. Comment status check for comments heading
  5. Coming soon for Free courses bug
  6. Notes and discussion print_r bug
  7. Woocommerce message display bug
  8. Exclude courses – course category bug
  9. Widget carousel auto rotate bug fix
  10. Duplicate Wplms_start_coruse hook removed.
  11. Course progress cookie removed
  12. Course retake count filter “wplms_course_retake_count” added
  13. Quiz retakes count bug fix
  14. Unit comment time bug fix
  15. Email template bug fix
  16. star rating bugfix
  17. Registration redirect bug fix
  18. Same page login redirect bug fix
  19. Theme Translation overwrite (wp-content/languages/wplms/xx_XX.mo) bug fix
  20. Restrict course creation limit for instructor bug fix
  21. Layerslider updated
  22. jsComposer updated


Language WPLMS Theme Vibe course Module Vibe Custom Types Vibe Shortcodes WPLMS assignments WPLMS Dashboard WPLMS Events WPLMS Frontend
pt_BR 97 95 96 98 97 100 100 57
pl_PL 4 0
nl_NL 74 43
it_IT 42 39 42 100 50
fr_FR 88 57 64 82 77 86 100 52
es_ES 93 60 77 95 89 88 100 57
el_GR 71 43 84 52
de_DE 69 45 45 84 80 54
ar 58 42 51 72 78 48
zh_CN 85 59 70 82 96 87 100 95
tr_TR 27 18 2 0 4 0 6 0
sv_SE 90 56 60 82 86 83 100 54
fa_IR 96 95 94 97 97 98 100 57
sr_RS 61 36
ru_RU 83 56 60 82 86 76 100 54
nb_NO 91
sk_SK 10 61 83 97 94