Creating buy course popup on single course page

To create popup on course page follow the steps :

1. Create a popup form wp-admin -> popup
2 .Add this shortcode


3. Save popup.
4. Add this code in your wp-content/plugins/Wplms-customizer/wplms-cutomizer.php

if (!function_exists('vibe_course_button')) {
    function vibe_course_button( $atts, $content = null ) {
        'id'   => ''
                ), $atts));
        $html = ob_get_clean();
        return $html;
    add_shortcode('course_button', 'vibe_course_button');

5. Include this shortcode in your course content.

6.Add this js script in your Wp-admin -> Wplms -> Footer -> Google Analytics Code


Note: You can use as many selectors on the course page.
For example to select the course heading you can use this snippet :


    $(‘.course_lesson,#item-header h3’).on(‘click’,function(){





Your popup will appear like this: