CSS3 transitions in page builder

CSS Transitions defined in the page builder. Each CSS animation is automatically detected by the page and the animation effect applies when the element comes into the view port.

The CSS animation is applied through classes defined in the stylesheet so if the classes are applied on independent entities it will have the exact same effect as on the page builder elements.

The name of the animation itself describes the animation. However, the animation effects can be seen on this link as well.

Classes : Name of Animation

‘animate cssanim flash’ => ‘Flash’,
‘animate zoom’ => ‘Zoom’,
‘animate scale’ => ‘Scale’,
‘animate slide’ => ‘Slide (Height)’,
‘animate expand’ => ‘Expand (Width)’,
‘animate cssanim shake’=> ‘Shake’,
‘animate cssanim bounce’=> ‘Bounce’,
‘animate cssanim tada’=> ‘Tada’,
‘animate cssanim swing’=> ‘Swing’,
‘animate cssanim wobble’=> ‘Flash’,
‘animate cssanim wiggle’=> ‘Flash’,
‘animate cssanim pulse’=> ‘Flash’,
‘animate cssanim flip’=> ‘Flash’,
‘animate cssanim flipInX’=> ‘Flip Left’,
‘animate cssanim flipInY’=> ‘Flip Top’,
‘animate cssanim fadeIn’=> ‘Fade’,
‘animate cssanim fadeInUp’=> ‘Fade Up’,
‘animate cssanim fadeInDown’=> ‘Fade Down’,
‘animate cssanim fadeInLeft’=> ‘Fade Left’,
‘animate cssanim fadeInRight’=> ‘Fade Right’,
‘animate cssanim fadeInUptBig’=> ‘Fade Big Up’,
‘animate cssanim fadeInDownBig’=> ‘Fade Big Down’,
‘animate cssanim fadeInLeftBig’=> ‘Fade Big Left’,
‘animate cssanim fadeInRightBig’=> ‘Fade Big Right’,
‘animate cssanim bounceInUp’=> ‘Bounce Up’,
‘animate cssanim bounceInDown’=> ‘Bounce Down’,
‘animate cssanim bounceInLeft’=> ‘Bounce Left’,
‘animate cssanim bounceInRight’=> ‘Bounce Right’,
‘animate cssanim rotateIn’=> ‘Rotate’,
‘animate cssanim rotateInUpLeft’=> ‘Rotate Up Left’,
‘animate cssanim rotateInUpRight’=> ‘Rotate Up Right’,
‘animate cssanim rotateInDownLeft’=> ‘Rotate Down Left’,
‘animate cssanim rotateInDownRight’=> ‘Rotate Down Right’,
‘animate cssanim speedIn’=> ‘Speed In’,
‘animate cssanim rollIn’=> ‘Roll In’,
‘animate ltr’=> ‘Left To Right’,
‘animate rtl’ => ‘Right to Left’,
‘animate btt’ => ‘Bottom to Top’,
‘animate ttb’=>’Top to Bottom’,
‘animate smallspin’=> ‘Small Spin’,
‘animate spin’=> ‘Infinite Spin’




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