Force Content height to cover full screen

Method 1 :

Add this CSS code in Theme customizer :

.pusher {
  min-height: 100vh;

Method 2 :

This tip will show you how you can force WPLMS content area to cover full screen height.

1. Go to WP Admin -> WPLMS -> Footer -> Google analytics code

2. Paste/append below code in this area :

  var $headerheight=$('.content').offset().top;
  var $footerheight=$('footer').height();
  var $windowheight= $(window).height();
  var $contentheight= $('.content').height() +$headerheight+$footerheight;
if($contentheight < $windowheight){
    $contentheight = $windowheight - $headerheight - $footerheight-30;
    $('.content').css('height', $contentheight+'px');


Check this video :