Warning messages in log : wp_bp_friends ….

If you see errors like this in your php error log :

[17-May-2015 21:24:27 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘XXXXXX_wp222.wp_bp_friends’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT initiator_user_id FROM wp_bp_friends WHERE friend_user_id = 1 AND is_confirmed = 0 made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/wplms/notitle.php’), get_footer, locate_template, load_template, require_once(‘/themes/wplms/footer.php’), wp_footer, do_action(‘wp_footer’), call_user_func_array, wp_admin_bar_render, do_action_ref_array, call_user_func_array, bp_setup_admin_bar, do_action(‘bp_setup_admin_bar’), call_user_func_array, BP_Friends_Component->setup_admin_bar, friends_get_friendship_request_user_ids, BP_Friends_Friendship::get_friendship_request_user_ids

These are errors due to BuddyPress friends data in the sample import.

Simply go to WP Admin – Settings – BuddyPress and Save the settings and these errors will be gone.