Search Results for "shortcode units"

29 results found


  1. Pricing style changed after woocommerce 2.6 update
  2. Some issue with the apply for course emails.
  3. Touch points for unit comments .
  4. Loading icon in Filter results button.
  5. Assignment time and the pagination not working in course result page.
  6. Icons do not display in the tabs shortcode
  7. cursor issue on some elements like scroll to " top "
  8. In course quiz time parameter does not changes.
  9. Multiple correct question type not working in question shortcode
  10. Assignment submission time error .There is a " . " instead of comma in line 379 .
  11. styling issue search results are overlapped in back end search selectcpt boxes
  12. Division by zero in D:\xampp\htdocs\wplms2\wp-content\themes\wplms\course-review.php on line 85
  13. Change the default field name in the all instructors template page from "expertise" to " speciality "
  14. Buddypress course widget sort by students not working
  15. Filter is not removing from "Active Filters" in course directory page filter widget even after unchecking
  16. Filter is not removing from "Active Filters" in course directory page filter widget even after unchecking
  17. Count is not altered on all courses page when the courses are hidden from the course directory.
  18. When unit description is on, the quizzes also show the description arrow which toggles the next section, quiz or unit.
  19. Add scroll to top feature in the in-course quiz after click on submit button.
  20. excerpt length not working for courses.
  21. yoast seo course page social sharing issue
  22. Accordion not opening automatically when clicked on next unit button in course status page.
  23. Certificate widget not validating certificate
  24. Send Certification link in certificate mail.
  25. add course menu background color in the theme customiser for different layouts also.
  26. Illegal string offset 'marks' in D:\xampp\htdocs\modern2\wp-content\plugins\wplms-front-end\includes\class.generate_fields.php on line 1476
  27. Course filter widget is not working on all courses page in demo default setup for mobiles only.
  28. Shortcode for the inquiry form
  29. French translation in theme language file is throwing error in assignment submissions on results page of user
  30. Negative marking in snot considered in stats screen but shows correct in result screen
  31. [vibe_site_stats] Shortcode modification for admin
  32. Forgot password email and activation email not showing user name and also if activation email is not set then forgot passowrd email will not be sent through wplms template
  33. Demo1 Styling fixes
  34. The SUBSCRIBE and PAYPAL is out of alignment on Safari browser.
  35. Issue with the course layouts.
  36. Change membership is not removing courses from user (suggested a change to pmpro plugin for this )
  37. Link to user profile not working in per unit comments.
  38. unit comments email touch point not working :
  39. some suggestions for the betterment of v_admin.js file :
  40. certificate is awarded multiple times if the course is manually evaluated and user finishes course again and again .
  41. clear response only clears localstorage but not the response in quizzes with negative marking
  42. Connect assignment to course does not show the current newly created course
  43. User does not get automatically logged in on user activation.
  44. Pdf link in certificate only works for first time
  45. The unit category is not pre selected, you have to select the category every time you open the unit to edit
  46. Dropdown question type do not work in units.
  47. Assignment fetching in submissions needs a check for the approved comments only
  48. Permalinks issue with revert permalinks.
  49. It shows array in vibe carousal widget, when posts are shown with general style.
  50. Bullets and number not working in the assignments.
  51. Blog page title is not hiding as per siettings
  52. Animation effect  page missing in the page builder.
  53. Apply toggle in login widgt and sidebar me
  54. upload zip button shows error in popup when instrcutor has not added any project and clicks on upload  library
  55. start date sorting option not working in post grid carousel in page builder
  56. Too many loading icon on filter results (course directory page) when clicked on clear filters.
  57. add feature : explanation link must appears after user have tried to answer that question shortcode
  58. assignment activity has wrong item id (it should of course)
  59. Wooconmerce refunded order shows commissions to customer on single order page
  60. Get_the_ID() not working in my courses .Need to pass the id of course in variable to resolve issue in future
  61. Wooconmerce refunded order shows commissions to customer on single order page
  62. Get_the_ID() not working in my courses .Need to pass the id of course in variable to resolve issue in future
  63. Last letter in From name in email is cropped .
  64. single item refund does not deduct commission of that instructor .
  65. members page in mobile some styling issues
  66. dashboard "instructor stats" widget settings or the number of elemets to be shown not working
  67. add course start date sorting option in Buddypress course widget
  68. Spelling mistake in assignments_functions.php file.
  69. Renewd spelling mistake in vibe course module plugin.
  70. facebook button in wp-admin login screen does not work and also an issue with the styling of it
  71. WooCommerce commission in Order email (quick Fix )
  72. left sidebar page template not working with new header options
  73. Quiz id parameter spelling mistake in filter " wplms_quiz_retake_count " in results.php file line number
  74. PSD file type not uploading in assignments
  75. layer slider block does not show in page builder in case of multisite installation
  76. Assignment submission is featching all the submissions done by a  user instead of the last submission
  77. Hide assignments in assignment directory for course users in case of unit locking.
  78. Replaced the get_super_admins with wp_user_query for betterment of site speed and also to resolve issues for those for which the get_user_by fnction was not working
  79. Results Template
  80. Course category filter does not works when clicking on second page
  81. Styling issue on the course detail widget.


New Features :
  1. Total Student Count for Instructor added in Dashboard Instructor Simple Stats
Updates :
  1. Instructor Content privacy now works in WP Admin - Media section as well.
  2. Course Category Order added in LMS - Course Category
  3. WPLMS Front end works in Firefox
  4. Customiser Dark/Light Menu background/text colors now work for Course Menu, Front end Course creation tabs, Start course page course timeline, Quiz timeline.
  5. Clear answer switch in negative marking quizzes
  6. Restrict Students from deleting important activity
Bug Fixes :
  1. DRIP Feed bug in Non-Ajax courses
  2. Linkage not working.
  3. Unit Forum bug
  4. Font end bugs with PHP 7
  5. Edit product overwrites course
  6. Create questions in quiz overwrites quiz description bug
  7. Confimation Popup click outside bug
  8. Edit product not working after product edit or product create
  9. Remove group in course from wp admin bug
  10. Assignment duration display bug in units
  11. Todo list missing /ul
  12. Submit announcement loading icon
  13. Start date blank still displayed in course
  14. Font end Event creation print issues.
  15. Course Admin students name not visible while adding students
  16. Comments order not working in blog posts
  17. Update .pot files
  18. Unit printing links print bug
  19. Time ENDED bug in course quiz
  20. Course imteline accordion next section first unit does not open automatically
  21. Multiple correct question in question shortcode displays two results
  22. Save components,curriculum do not respond when clicked outside the confirmation popup
  23. Login popup issue with screens less than 360px
  24. Tab shortcode not working for Non-Latin languages
  25. Images with caption are not responsive
  26. Bullets show up in question shortcode
  27. Question template translation
  28. Translation fixes

Language WPLMS Theme Vibe course Module Vibe Custom Types Vibe Shortcodes WPLMS assignments WPLMS Dashboard WPLMS EventOn WPLMS Frontend
pt_BR 88 83 86 96 92 98 100 94
pl_PL 4 0
nl_NL 66 38
it_IT 37 33 37 100 43
fr_FR 80 49 57 80 75 68 100 45
es_ES 84 53 70 93 77 88 100 50
el_GR 63 37 73 45
de_DE 65 39 46 73 80 47
ar 54 37 45 66 78 47
zh_CN 85 85 86 80 80 87 100 87
tr_TR 23 16 2 0 2 0 6 0
sv_SE 81 49 53 80 80 83 100 49
fa_IR 97 97 92 97 91 99 100 93
sr_RS 60 30
ru_RU 75 50 53 80 75 76 100 49
nb_NO 71
sk_SK 4 53 74 85 94


New Features :
  1. Quiz availability : tutorial
Updates :
  1. Improved Certificate Generation (no extra spaces)
  2. Quiz Timer timeout message
  3. One Page child theme fixes
  4. Child one child theme fixes
  5. Modern Child theme fixes
Bug Fixes :
  1. Modern theme fatal error in php <5.4
  2. NAN in course stats graphs
  3. Layout breaks with no course reviews
  4. Layout breaks in Group 3 layout activity
  5. select2 inclusion issue : wp download manager
  6. preview quiz results not working
  7. preview course stats for user not working for completed user
  8. Blank page in 404
  9. Course 404 permalink not redirecting to 404
  10. hidden courses in Related courses
  11. form shortcode get_bloginfo bug
  12. Archive pages in modern theme
  13. comment/review counter does not update when review is approved.
  14. Profile settings translation
  15. Student activity not displaying accurate information
  16. Translation issues in Profile - Settings - Email
  17. Video not loading in Offline course full units in curriculum

New Features :
  1. Course category shortcode
  2. Course Category background image
  3. 5 Drip Feed types : Static, Unit Duration, Section, Section Unit Duration, Unit Start date/time
Updates :
  1. Quiz results sharing url
  2. Playlist shortcode in course
  3. Yoast SEO page builder content for content analysis
  4. WooCommerce My Orders, PMPro remove on unchecking in LMS - Settings
  5. Drip feed can be started in middle of course
  6. Vibe Carousel Control navigation and Direction navigation in page builder
Bug Fixes :
  1. Read more in course description
  2. Need warning in course description
  3. Wrong breadcrumbs in Course directory
  4. Quiz retakes bug
  5. Multiple accordions bug
  6. Multiple Tabs bug
  7. Progress bar shortcodes bug
  8. User activity in course not working
  9. Item pagination not working in course admin
  10. Course redirect loop bug
  11. question tag in front end
  12. Modern theme center header bugs
  13. Modern theme transparent header bugs
  14. Mobile Menu alignment
  15. Unread Notifications in Header
  16. WooCommerce errors box
  17. Redirect on taxonomy to all courses not working
  18. Modern theme sleek header bugs
  19. Testimonial slug translation
  20. Transparent header styling issues
  21. Transparent header missing title
  22. Profile settings in P3 layout break
  23. Group avatar and background in g4 layout
  24. Group forums infinite loop
  25. NAN in User Stats
  26. WooCommerce my orders edit-address not working bug
  27. question shortcode not working in blog posts
  28. WP Multisite direct checkout not working
  29. WP Multisite WooCommerce.min.css not included
  30. Course category links in WP Admin
  31. Vertical tabs in Units
  32. Group forum group header bug
  33. 404 status on 404 page
  34. Touch Punch.js bug in buddypress.js
  35. Time below user submissions in Course - Submissions
  36. Hi"Array" in emails
  37. Members directory Instructors filter not working
  38. Page settings not working with WooCommerce deactivated
  39. select2.js bug when WooCommerce deactivated
  40. LMS Stats and Settings layouts broken
  41. Vibe carousel auto scroll not working
  42. RTL css issues
  43. Unlimited time missing in course curriculum
  44. Footer styles not working in Start course page
  45. WooCommerce shop bug in boxed layout
  46. Modern theme Related courses bug : same course
  47. Modern Theme Related courses not removing bug
  48. Course activity load more loses context
  49. News post type not visible in Page builder
  50. Js error in WP Admin - courses, units
  51. Location not uncheck in BP filter widget
  52. Badge notification not working
  53. Instructing courses warning when no curriculum set.
  54. Darken Radio button and Checkbox borders
  55. Border color in Rgba instead of hex color.


Features Update New Features
  3. 5 Directory Layouts  added : Switch in Theme Customiser
  4. 5 Courses layouts added : Switch in Theme Customiser
  5. 4 Profile Layouts added : Switch in Theme Customiser
  6. 4 Group Layouts added : Switch in Theme Customiser
  7. 8 Header Layouts
  8. 3 Footer Layouts
  9. Minimal Skin Added : Switch in Theme Customiser
  10. Elegant Skin Added : Switch in Theme Customiser
  11. Offline Courses switch added : Switch in Course - Settings
  12. Display Course progress bar on course home : Switch in Course - Settings
  13. Course Progress based on Time instead of units completed : Switch in Course - Settings
  14. Hide course button after the course is purchased : Switch in Course - Settings
  15. Display unit content on course home page : Switch in Course - Settings
  16. Course Activity and ability to post course status.
  17. Course Activity filter in Activity Directory.
  18. Course Activity sorters in Activity.
  19. Course Drive feature with Course Privacy, * Requires BuddyDrive
  20. Pretty Permalinks for various Course sections
  21. Instructor can mark unit complete/incomplete in Course - Admin - Members - stats area
  22. Course Submissions revamp
  23. Events creation in Course Front End edit
  24. One Review per Course and Review Edit functionality with Reply to review option for instructors.
  25. Display unit description on Course home  : Switch in WP Admin - LMS - Settings
  26. Site Lock feature added: : Switch in WP Admin - WPLMS - Miscellaneous
  27. Connect course with External link : Switch in WP Admin - LMS - Settings and in edit Course - Pricing section
  28. Course Button shortcode added

Updated Components
  1. WPLMS Styling (SASS)
  2. CSS and JS Minification
  3. Improvements in architecture, load on demand.
  4. Conditional loading of scripts in various areas.
  5. Course Forum Privacy
  6. Set Duration parameter for course , unit, quiz and assignment on per unit basis
  7. Duration parameter for drip feed for per course.
  8. Enable Drip Unit wise or Section wise on per course basis
  9. Pmpro & WooCommerce Orders appear in BuddyPress Profile.
  10. Improved User selection in Course admin area
  11. Course rating to stars from radio buttons
  12. Sidebar in BBPress
  13. Gallery shortcode compatible with WordPress gallery
  14. Quiz Radio and Checkboxes changed to CSS 3 radio and Checkboxes
  15. Chosen dependency removed from WPLMS Front End
  16. Chosen Dependency removed from Vibe Customiser backend
  17. WooCommerce 2.5 Templates
  18. Widgets constructor changed to WP 4.3+ compatibility
  19. Improvements in security , direct access to php scripts removed
  20. BuddyPress Profile cover and group cover picture enabled
  21. Translation files updated
  22. JsComposer updated
  23. LayerSlider updated

Issues Fixed 
  1. Course Forum privacy
  2. Statistics/Leaderboard calculation correction for Quiz/Assignments
  3. Member Filters not working bug
  4. Instructor unable to access free units bug
  5. Quiz reset string bug
  6. Fill in the blank not recorded bug
  7. Text domain added for loco translate
  8. Woocommerce message display bug
  9. Assignment submission bug fix
  10. Directory Titles and Single user page title bug with Yoast SEO
  11. TinyMCE error fix
  12. BP Social connect issue with Certificate code validator
  13. Course pricing with Pmpro memberships bug
  14. Course pricing save with Course codes bug
  15. Popup Shortcode with Vibe Page builder or Visual composer issue
  16. Start course not sending touch points emails
  17. Instructor name displayed as Array in email messages via Touch points
  18. Vibe Shortcodes translation issue with incorrect text domain
  19. Check results not working when slugs are changed
  20. Improved social sharing links
  21. One session per user with BP Social connect bug
  22. Course code bug with | symbol
  23. Export.csv not automatically downloading
  24. Social sharing not available in posts
  25. Instructor dropdown in course filter widget not working properly
  26. WPLMS - BuddyPress - registration redirect not working
  27. Styling issue in Modern theme with Social connect buttons
  28. Group admins missing in Modern theme
  29. Payment post type visible in Front end.
  30. Forum creation not working in WPLMS Front end
  31. Third level menu does not appear in Mobile menu
  32. My Orders visible even after WooCommerce is deactivated
  33. Progress bar display in WPLMS Dashboard
  34. Vibe WooCommerce carousel widget bug fix
  35. Skip product page automatic redirect to cart issue
  36. Notes & Discussion comment time issue
  37. Notes and discussion unit comment not triggering touch points
  38. Course ratings not required in review. Multiple course reviews per course by student.
  39. ]] in gallery shortcode
  40. Create course incorrect message fix
  41. Unlimited displayed in unit assignments area
  42. / mark in instructor bio
  43. %s recorded in activity string
  44. Course review count and rating not updated when editing review from admin panel
  45. Forum settings displayed in Unit settings even after BBPress is deactivated
  46. Instructor message tip improper display in single course
  47. Course progress dashboard widget incorrect progress count.
  48. Spelling corrections

Language WPLMS Theme Vibe course Module Vibe Custom Types Vibe Shortcodes WPLMS assignments WPLMS Dashboard WPLMS EventOn WPLMS Frontend
pt_BR 88 83 86 98 94 100 100 52
pl_PL 4 0
nl_NL 66 38
it_IT 37 33 37 100 45
fr_FR 80 49 57 82 77 68 100 47
es_ES 84 53 70 95 79 88 100 52
el_GR 63 37 75 47
de_DE 65 39 46 75 80 49
ar 54 37 45 68 78 48
zh_CN 76 51 62 82 82 87 100 50
tr_TR 23 16 2 0 2 0 6 0
sv_SE 81 49 53 82 82 83 100 49
fa_IR 87 87 84 97 97 98 100 52
sr_RS 60 30
ru_RU 75 50 53 82 77 76 100 49
nb_NO 91
sk_SK 4 53 74 87 94


Front End Revamp Update New Features
  1. New Front End Course creation module : shortcode [course_edit] : Tutorial
  2. Setup Permalinks for Course/Units/Quiz : WP Admin - Pemalinks
  3. Modern Theme with OneClick Setup : Tutorial
  4. Course Location Taxonomy available (WPLMS options - Course Manager) : Tutorial
  5. Course Category /Level/Location redirect to Course Directory switch : Tutorial
  6. EventOn : Tutorial

Updated Components
  1. Module Tag in Course units
  2. Course Start Date filter in Course Filters widget.
  3. Enable Unit Comments only where Comments are enabled in post settings : WP Admin - LMS - Settings
  4. Enable Unit Time as Drip Duration : WP Admin - LMS - Settings
  5. Advanced search Widget & Search page with location parameter
  6. WPLMS init/register architecture improvements.
  7. Non-Ajax Courses switch : WP Admin  - LMS - Settings

Issues Fixed 
  1. Touch points notifications,emails,messages
  2. Media Lock in Units
  3. Module Tags in Units
  4. Comment status check for comments heading
  5. Coming soon for Free courses bug
  6. Notes and discussion print_r bug
  7. Woocommerce message display bug
  8. Exclude courses - course category bug
  9. Widget carousel auto rotate bug fix
  10. Duplicate Wplms_start_coruse hook removed.
  11. Course progress cookie removed
  12. Course retake count filter "wplms_course_retake_count" added
  13. Quiz retakes count bug fix
  14. Unit comment time bug fix
  15. Email template bug fix
  16. star rating bugfix
  17. Registration redirect bug fix
  18. Same page login redirect bug fix
  19. Theme Translation overwrite (wp-content/languages/wplms/ bug fix
  20. Restrict course creation limit for instructor bug fix
  21. Layerslider updated
  22. jsComposer updated

Language WPLMS Theme Vibe course Module Vibe Custom Types Vibe Shortcodes WPLMS assignments WPLMS Dashboard WPLMS Events WPLMS Frontend
pt_BR 97 95 96 98 97 100 100 57
pl_PL 4 0
nl_NL 74 43
it_IT 42 39 42 100 50
fr_FR 88 57 64 82 77 86 100 52
es_ES 93 60 77 95 89 88 100 57
el_GR 71 43 84 52
de_DE 69 45 45 84 80 54
ar 58 42 51 72 78 48
zh_CN 85 59 70 82 96 87 100 95
tr_TR 27 18 2 0 4 0 6 0
sv_SE 90 56 60 82 86 83 100 54
fa_IR 96 95 94 97 97 98 100 57
sr_RS 61 36
ru_RU 83 56 60 82 86 76 100 54
nb_NO 91
sk_SK 10 61 83 97 94

Unit duration on course certificate

ADD this code in wplms-customizer plugin->wplms-customizer.php
if (!function_exists('vibe_unit_duration_certificate')) {
    function vibe_unit_duration_certificate( $atts, $content = null ) {
    $course_curriculum = bp_course_get_curriculum_units($course_id);
     foreach($course_curriculum as $unit_id){
        return '<div id="unit_duration">'.$unit_duartion.'&nbsp'.__('Minutes').'</div>';
    add_shortcode('certificate_unit_duration', 'vibe_unit_duration_certificate');
  Add this code and then use the shortcode [certificate_unit_duration] in Lms->certificate template You can convert convert $unit_duration from minutes to hours

WPLMS Dashboards

Inspiration : Dashboards is a one stop area for Student / Instructor to get a brief snapshot of what is happening in the site/courses. In this tip we'll learn how to setup WPLMS Dashboards. Following steps will guide you in setting up the dashboards feature : 1. Once you update your theme to 1.8 version, you'll get a notification to install the WPLMS Dashboards plugin. 2. Install and activiate the plugin 3. You should now see a Dashboard link in the front end, logged in panel and in your profile. 4. Initially the dashboard section would appear blank because this part is actually linked to sidebars/widgetized areas 5. Go to WP Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets ad you'll see 2 new sidebars : Student sidebar and Instructor sidebar 6. Adding widgets in the student sidebar would display them in the dashboard area of students only where as adding widgets in the instructor sidebar would display them in the dashboard area of Instructors and Administrators 7. There are serveral Dashboard specific widgets added by the plugin which start with prefix " DASHBOARD : " 8. All Instructor dashboard widgets should only be used for Instructor dashboards, these widgets would start with prefix : "DASHBOARD : Instructor" 9. Remaining widgets can be used both for Instructors and Students 10 . Following is the list of Dashboard specific Widgets : --- Widget : Scope : Description
  • Activity : BOTH : Displays activity, Last unread messages , Friends online
  • Course Progress Student : Displays list of courses with progress bars depicting student progress percentage in courses
  • Simple Stats : Student : Displays Statistics for students like : Finished Courses, Finished Units, Finished Quizzes, Finished Assignments
  • Student Stats : Student: Displays graphs with marks in various courses, quizzes and assignments, viz a viz Average marks
  • Contact Users : BOTH : Displays a contact form using which messages can be sent to: Friends, Instructors(all),Administrators, Students in Instructor courses.
  • Text widget : BOTH : Simple text widget, can be used by administrator for global announcements, also evaluates shortcodes.
  • To do Tasks BOTH : Small widget for creating and saving tasks in dashboards
  • Line Break BOTH : Useful for alignment in dashboards, starts a new line of widgets.
  • Announcements Instructor: Is used by Instructors to create and send announcements to students in their courses. Only 1 annoucement per course can be shared.
  • Instructor Simple stats Instructor : Much like student stats, displays small useful information about instructor
  • News BOTH : Useful for sharing Course specific information with users, shown in carousel form. Each news block supports post formats which has a different display style.
  • Instructor Commissions Instructor: Instructor earned commissions per month basis.
  • Instructor Stats Instructor : Statistics in instructor courses, automatically generates marks ranges based on maximum/minimum values and the number of ranges parameter set in the widget settings and displays number of students in each range.
Video of setting up Dashboard:

Using JWPlayer with WPLMS

To make JWPlayer compatible with WPLMS, that is to open the JWPlayer videos in units when students are pursuing the course, you can follow below settings Copy and paste the code (from any one of the methods) in WPLMS Customizer/wplms_customizer.php file or WPLMS Child theme (any)/functions.php file Below are 2 methods for making JWPlayer compatible with WPLMS : Method 1 
function wplms_jwplayer_compatibility(){
 add_shortcode('jwplayer', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'shortcode'));
Method 2
function wplms_define_function_the_unit(){
  function the_unit($id=NULL){
    $post_type = get_post_type($id);
    $the_query = new WP_Query( 'post_type='.$post_type.'&p='.$id );
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
    while ( $the_query->have_posts() ):$the_query->the_post();
    $unit_class = 'unit_class';
    echo '<div class="main_unit_content '.$unit_class.'">';
   add_shortcode('jwplayer', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'shortcode'));
    if($post_type == 'quiz'){
      $expiry = get_user_meta($user_id,$id,true);
      if(is_numeric($expiry) && $expiry < time()){
        $message = get_post_meta($id,'vibe_quiz_message',true);
        echo apply_filters('the_content',$message);
      'before'=>'<div class="unit-page-links page-links"><div class="page-link">',
      'link_before' => '<span>',
      'after'=> '</div></div>'));
    echo '</div>';
    $attachments =& get_children( 'post_type=attachment&output=ARRAY_N&orderby=menu_order&order=ASC&post_parent='.$id);
    if($attachments && count($attachments)){
      $att= '';
    foreach( $attachments as $attachmentsID => $attachmentsPost ){
    if($type != 'image/jpeg' && $type != 'image/png' && $type != 'image/gif'){
        if($type == 'application/zip')
        else if($type == 'video/mpeg' || $type== 'video/mp4' || $type== 'video/quicktime')
        else if($type == 'text/csv' || $type== 'text/plain' || $type== 'text/xml')
        else if($type == 'audio/mp3' || $type== 'audio/ogg' || $type== 'audio/wmv')
        else if($type == 'application/pdf')
        $att .='<li><i class="'.$type.'"></i>'.wp_get_attachment_link($attachmentsID).'</li>';
        echo '<div class="unitattachments"><h4>'.__('Attachments','vibe').'<span><i class="icon-download-3"></i>'.$count.'</span></h4><ul id="attachments">';
        echo $att;
       echo '</ul></div>';
    if(isset($forum) && $forum){
      echo '<div class="unitforum"><a href="'.get_permalink($forum).'" target="_blank">'.__('Have Questions ? Ask in the Unit Forums','vibe').'</a></div>';


Features Added
  1. Student/Instructor specific Menus : link
  2. WPLMS Menu options in Appearance -> Menus
  3. Custom CSS option for WP Login screen in WPLMS -> Miscellaneous : link

Updated Components
  1. WPLMS BadgeOs add on has been updated with a major fix.
  2. Stats calculation hooks for extension in Quiz/Assignment/Units/Questions etc..
  3. Inbuilt WordPress importer updated for media import issues
  4. Javascript fixes to review submissions without review content
  5. Filterable posts type now has "Exclude" terms field
  6. Extra button for "Submitting" Assignments removed

Issues Fixed 
  1. Strict standards and notices in WP Debug fixed
  2. Translation fixes
  3. In Course quiz issues in start page
  4. Back to back in course quizzes not working in course
  5. Instructors viewing students courses by default
  6. Matching Questions Bug in in Course quiz
  7. Submit quiz popup states start course message
  8. Course statistics warning in LMS -> Statistics
  9. Warning on default sort option setting in LMS -> Settings
  10. Redirect to PMPro levels page on take this course bug
  11. Unable to remove subscribed courses on cancelling PMPro membership
  12. Widget spacing in Vibe Carousel
  13. Course statuses appearing in one word in carousels/grids
  14. Quiz Timers clicks disabled
  15. Quiz stats calculation fixes
  16. ID's not appearing for all courses/units,quizzes, questions etc..
  17. Avatar fixes in groups, messages etc.
  18. Date at the bottom of units
  19. Multiple translation domains in plugins and theme removed.

Language WPLMS Theme Vibe course Module Vibe Custom Types Vibe Shortcodes WPLMS assignments WPLMS Dashboard WPLMS Events WPLMS Frontend
pt_BR 72 80 44 46 73 83 70
pl_PL 4 1
nl_NL 79 69
it_IT 44 63 54 100 88
fr_FR 93 93 82 87 84 98 100 91
es_ES 99 99 99 99 99 100 100 100
el_GR 75 71 95 91
de_DE 73 73 66 95 91 95
ar 61 69 66 80 78 84
zh_CN 90 96 90 87 97 98 100 96
tr_TR 28 29 3 4 6 1
sv_SE 96 93 77 87 97 94 100 95
fa_IR 84 92 77 91 100
sr_RS 64 58
ru_RU 88 91 77 86 97 87 100 94
nb_NO 91


Features Added
  1. Simple notes and discussion style : link
  2. Section wise drip feed in courses : link
  3. Negative marking in quizzes
  4. Quiz passing score : link
  5. Certificate PDF : link
  6. Coming soon courses
  7. Shortcodes added : [course_search] for search box and [course_completion_date] for certificates
  8. Dashboard Widget : My Courses/My Quizzes/ My Assignments/My Units/My Downloads
  9. Private course forums : link
  10. Practice questions in units : link

Updated Components
  1. Unfinished Quiz popup message on submit
  2. Create Course auto remove default messages
  3. Course button on mobile screens
  4. Conditional Quiz retake option
  5. Responsive Parallax sections
  6. Password hint on Registration page
  7. Site url changed to home url for Logo url on multisite installations.
  8. Define certificate size in template
  9. Direct checkout now uses WC() instead of global $woocommerce
  10. Filter on Student/Instructor login redirect

Security Fixes
  1. esc_url added  on add_query_arg instances

Issues Fixed 
  1. Course News not opening
  2. Direct checkout not working on course renewal
  3. Course attachments in new tab
  4. Responsive parallax
  5. Page-builder carousel/filterable/grid bug fix for individual post ids
  6. Create course default text remove on click
  7. Quiz reset, clear answer bug
  8. RTL Bug fixes
  9. Forms shortcode select box bug
  10. Responsive cart
  11. Responsive fixes on Mobile
  12. Post and comment counter in vibe stats shortcodes
  13. Independent forum creation bug
  14. Multiple membership levels in course pages
  15. Asterix in courses in alphabetical sort
  16. Private courses in set commissions
  17. Sort by post ids in Page builder

Language WPLMS Theme Vibe course Module Vibe Custom Types Vibe Shortcodes WPLMS assignments WPLMS Dashboard WPLMS Events WPLMS Frontend
pt_BR 97 98 95 95 100 92 100 100
pl_PL 4 1
nl_NL 77 68
it_IT 43 62 50 100 88
fr_FR 91 92 76 83 84 91 100 91
es_ES 96 98 92 95 99 92 100 100
el_GR 73 70 95 91
de_DE 71 71 61 95 84 95
ar 60 68 61 80 78 84
zh_CN 88 95 83 83 97 91 100 96
tr_TR 27 28 3 0 4 0 6 1
sv_SE 93 92 72 83 97 87 100 95
fa_IR 81 90 71 84 100
sr_RS 63 57
ru_RU 85 89 71 82 97 80 100 94
nb_NO 91
sk_SK 92


Features Added
  1. Manage Course Status from Front end
  2. Course Reviews Widget
  3. Members directory default order : set in WP Admin - LMS - Settings
  4. Display assignment in units in Curriculum : Activate from WP Admin - LMS- Settings
  5. Quiz featured image and taxonomy added for Page builder blocks.
  6. User login status in admin panel : Check WP Admin - Users
  7. Password strength meter for WooCommerce new account creation in checkout page

Updated Components
  1. Improved Single session per user
  2. Improved Student course progress bars
  3. Badge and Certificate assignment condition change from > to >=
  4. Filter on Take this course button label
  5. Improved assignment management in Front end Unit editing
  6. BBPress styling changes
  7. Filter on logo link/url

Security Fixes
  1. esc_url_raw added for plugin updates
  2. Unique security key in options panel to differentiate between two WPLMS sites

Issues Fixed 
  1. OneInstructor one click setup bug fix with parallax
  2. Simple Notes and discussion bug fixes
  3. Quiz passing message bug fix
  4. Course attachments in new tab
  5. Next unit bug fix after quiz
  6. Next page in unit js not working bug
  7. Fillblank and Small text answer auto evaluation fix
  8. Quiz message with the_content filter
  9. Change user role from customer to student on order completion
  10. Date format in Certificate shortcode complaint with WP format
  11. Star rating function added for custom star rating display
  12. Shortcode alert in form select fix
  13. Create groups title bug
  14. Login dropdown user image fix
  15. Youtube Fontawesome title fix
  16. Course bulk actions enabled by default for Admin
  17. Custom post type support in BuddyPress activity via add_theme_support for BP v 2.2+
  18. Filter added on course categories widget : wplms_course_filters_course_cat
  19. BuddyPress widgets design changes/CSS fixes
  20. Course codes feature bug fix

Language WPLMS Theme Vibe course Module Vibe Custom Types Vibe Shortcodes WPLMS assignments WPLMS Dashboard WPLMS Events WPLMS Frontend
pt_BR 96 95 93 95 100 91 100 98
pl_PL 4 1
nl_NL 76 67
it_IT 43 60 49 100 87
fr_FR 90 89 75 83 84 90 100 90
es_ES 95 95 90 95 99 91 100 98
el_GR 72 68 95 90
de_DE 70 70 60 95 83 93
ar 59 66 60 80 78 83
zh_CN 88 92 82 83 97 90 100 95
tr_TR 27 27 3 0 4 0 6 1
sv_SE 92 89 70 83 97 86 100 93
fa_IR 81 88 70 83 100
sr_RS 62 57
ru_RU 85 87 70 82 97 79 100 93
nb_NO 91
sk_SK 10 97 97 100 99


Updated Components
  1. Single Quiz revamp, no save answer button
  2. Improved User - Results section with pagination
  3. Google Fonts revamped : link
  4. Dashboard link added in Appearance - Menus - WPLMS
  5. WPLMS Front End with WPML multilingual plugin

Issues Fixed 
  1. HTML Email issues
  2. PreCourse error on Course renew
  3. Font Manager not working
  4. Pagination missing in User - Course - Results area
  5. MyCred addon plugin issue in units
  6. Search in Course - Admin not working
  7. Recurring payments re-starting the course
  8. Re-saving existing course curriculum
  9. Re-saving existing course pricing
  10. Changes in Front end course pricing
  11. Coming soon font end saving bug
  12. Quiz Passing score bug
  13. Padding score not applied on single quiz
  14. Dashboard link in Menus
  15. Respond.js file name bug
  16. LMS- Settings in Admin panel css bug
  17. Multiple Quiz/Assignment submission from same student
  18. Pre Course bug in Free courses with auto-subscribe disabled
  19. Wrong answers in single quiz

Language WPLMS Theme Vibe course Module Vibe Custom Types Vibe Shortcodes WPLMS assignments WPLMS Dashboard WPLMS Events WPLMS Frontend
pt_BR 98 97 99 99 97 98 100 100
pl_PL 4 1
nl_NL 76 42
it_IT 43 38 44 100 87
fr_FR 90 58 67 83 77 88 100 90
es_ES 95 60 80 95 89 90 100 98
el_GR 72 43 84 90
de_DE 70 44 54 84 82 93
ar 59 42 53 72 78 83
zh_CN 86 58 72 83 96 89 100 95
tr_TR 27 18 2 0 4 0 6 1
sv_SE 92 56 62 83 86 85 100 93
fa_IR 97 97 97 97 97 98 100 100
sr_RS 62 35
ru_RU 84 55 62 82 86 78 100 93
nb_NO 91
sk_SK 10 61 86 97 97


  Bug Fixes Update Updated Components
  1. Improved in Course quiz submission
  2. View Quiz results of a Member from Course - Admin - Members - Stats
  3. Provision for Paid Quizzes
  4. Provision for decimal marking of questions in quizzes
  5. [sell_content] shortcode for selling content via WooCommerce products
  6. Course shortcode now accepts featured block parameter :[course id="XX" featured_block="course2"]

Issues Fixed 
  1. Manual Course Submissions bug
  2. Fonts with spaces bug fix (open sans)
  3. Course progress bar boundary condition check on reset quiz
  4. Textarea bug in Single Quizzes
  5. Notes and discussion display bug
  6. Notes and discussion page, multiple replies on replies click bug fix
  7. Notes and discussion per unit, multiple replies on submission bug fix
  8. Free course auto subscribe, Seats full check bug fix
  9. Course subscribe notifications bug fix
  10. Drip feed units bug fix
  11. Quiz passing score bug fix
  12. Drip feed sections with Quiz passing score issues.
  13. Unit comment user Touch points bug fix
  14. Course shortcode bug fix
  15. Instructors payout payment via Paypal issue
  16. timestamp fix for course start date
  17. timestamp fix for unit start datetime
  18. Vibe shortcodes icons called only in posts and options panel
  19. WPML compatible menu links in Front end course editing
  20. WooCommerce Template updated
  21. Course progress bar reset bug in course retakes
  22. Layerslider updated
  23. jsComposer updated

Language WPLMS Theme Vibe course Module Vibe Custom Types Vibe Shortcodes WPLMS assignments WPLMS Dashboard WPLMS Events WPLMS Frontend
pt_BR 98 97 99 99 97 98 100 100
pl_PL 4 1
nl_NL 76 42
it_IT 43 38 44 100 87
fr_FR 90 58 67 83 77 88 100 90
es_ES 95 60 80 95 89 90 100 98
el_GR 72 43 84 90
de_DE 70 44 54 84 82 93
ar 59 42 53 72 78 83
zh_CN 86 58 72 83 96 89 100 95
tr_TR 27 18 2 0 4 0 6 1
sv_SE 92 56 62 83 86 85 100 93
fa_IR 97 97 97 97 97 98 100 100
sr_RS 62 35
ru_RU 84 55 62 82 86 78 100 93
nb_NO 91
sk_SK 10 61 86 97 97