WPLMS PDF Certificates

Generate certificates in PDF , directly in the server.

  1. Works on Certificate templates.
  2. Test and Generate sample certificate.
  3. Works in Course Admin manual certificate assignment
  4. Works in Student course completion.
  5. PDF certificate visible as Course attachment.
  6. PDF Certificate visible in profile certificates.
  7. PDF Only Certificates [v 1.2].
  8. Custom Fonts in PDF Certificate[v 1.2].
  9. Embed QR Code , use shortcode [qr_code] in text block. Default certificate page must be set in WP admin – WPLMS – course manager
  10. Add Page 2 in Certificate with GradeBook and Instructor Remarks

Recommended font for Accented languages :  Free Serif font download, you have to unzip and upload .ttf file in certificate builder. https://prnt.sc/T1qhlOuhhwWy

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