Restrict accounts?

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    I am using WPLMS for online homeschool curriculum. The majority of our customers are going to be parents or proctors of homeschool groups. I need a user role that will allow the parents/proctors to access student accounts to manually grade, view reports, change grades, etc. However, I do not want parents or proctors to be able to create courses, edit them, delete them or access other options in the back-end. I think I may have figured out how to do this by creating a custom user role, but I am not sure what capabilities to enable/disable to get this functionality. Also, I really need to be able to assign student users to parents/proctors so that parents and proctors can only access student accounts for the students they are responsible for and not all students site-wide. In case I didn't explain that well, here is an example: Tina is a mom purchasing courses for her son Timmie and daughter Ashley. Jan is a mom purchasing courses for her daughter Kim. Tina and Jan would be give custom user roles called Proctor while Timmie, Ashley, and Kim would be given student roles. I want Tina to only be able to manage accounts for her son Timmie and daughter Ashely and I want Jan to only be able to manage her daughter Kim's account.
    • Tina - Proctor
      • Timmie - Student
      • Ashley - Student
    • Jan - Proctor
      • Kim - Student
    Can you assist me in which capabilities to enable to allow the functionality I mentioned above and give me any recommendations on how I may be able to assign students users to proctor users?
    H.K. Latiyan
    Well this is not available in wplms as of now. But there is already a similar feature request in our forum, we can add this feature in wplms future updates.
    Thanks for your reply. Glad this feature is in the works. Even if I cannot assign students to parents/proctors at the moment, I need an easy way for parents/proctors to be able to access reports and stats on students, evaluate quizzes, and do all the basic "teacher" type things without having access to create, edit, or delete courses, units, quizzes, or other website related posts or pages. I have been experimenting with this for the past few days and from what I gather, if I assign parents/proctors the Instructor role, they can only view student stats for courses they have created. If they haven't created any courses, they cannot view student stats. I really need a way for parents/proctors to be able to access student stats, evaluate quizzes, and do all of the usual "teacher" type things without having the potential to mess up my website or courses. Is there a way to do this through some options I may have overlooked, some code I can customize, or a plugin I can use?    
    H.K. Latiyan
    You can try using third party plugins such as "user role editor plugin" and then you can change the capabilities of the instructor and remove the capability to edit posts.
    I tried using the recommended plugin, but that isn't really giving me the results I am looking for. Instructors seem to only be able to manage students who are enrolled in a course created by that instructor. If I assign parents a modified instructor role, it looks like they cannot manage students because the parent never actually created a course. I would like to make a recommendation or request for a future update. Ideally, it would be great if there was a role that came with WPLMS to allow parents of student or teachers to manage their own students only. These parents or teacher could:
    • Access student reports and stats
    • Manually grade any questions or quizzes that call for manual grading
    • Manually change marks or grades given by auto evaluation if deemed necessary
    These parents or teachers could NOT:
    • Create, edit, or delete posts, pages, courses, units, quizzes, questions, etc.
    • Manage or view student users who are not their students
    Additionally, it would be nice if upon registration, a parent or teacher could input information for themselves and their student(s) and accounts would be automatically  generated for the parent/teacher with access to the student. Something along those lines. Basically anything to keep the process as automated as possible to keep an administrator from having to manually assign these roles and the students roles to the respective parent teacher roles. This would be extremely helpful for developers using WPLMS who's target market is going to be school age kids. Many parents and teacher's want to be able to have this type of capability and oversight for their students. If a system like the one we are setting up is to be used in public schools, the schools will not consider such a program without this kind of access for teachers.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for suggestion but its not available in wplms as if now. You can create a feature request for this in our feature request forum.
    Hi Im wondering if this option was ever integrated in any updates since? I also need parents to be able to log into the portal to see how their children are progressing in classes. Thanks
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, @adashi: No this is not available in wplms as of now.
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