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Vibebp Login issue fix

Vibebp versions is released with the fix to the Login issue.

We were reported yesterday about an urgent issue impacting many sites, we released the update after being notified of the same.

To update Vibebp

  1. You can simply go to WP admin - dashboard - updates
  2. Click on Check again in case the update does not show up.

If you are using white labelled vibebp

a. The changes are in login.js file which you can replace

If service workers is enabled

Ensure that you update the service worker version so that cached files from user's browsers can be replaced.

Important Security Update


3 Major Security Vulnerability updates

WPLMS Plugin

10 Major security vulnerability updates

All vulnerabilities were reported by [email protected] on 1st April, we submitted fixes to vulnerabilities on 1st April and then again on 4th April and 9th April. We are still awaiting confirmation from PatchStack on the fixes so there could be further updates this month. Another post with full disclosure will be one once we have confirmation on the fixes.



course avatar fix

  • approval not showing and author change on publish fix
  • instructor appriovals
  • the_content in assignment content to run shortcodes in assignment content
  • make course forum privacy work
  • passing score check fix
  • if inst cannot add student then cannot remove them as well
  • add badge title for gamification
  • php err fix
  • check status before setting it continue if student already was there in course



  1. WooCommerce Template updates
  2. Gutenberg removed from Widget Area
  3. Active sidebar check to remove sidebar on pages / taxonomies where not required.
  4. Patchstack reported patch for customizer import security fix.

Apple login with Vibe App

To enable Apple login, you need to have an Apple developer account which costs $99 per year. 1. Then you need to create an App in your Developer account. 2. Configure the certificates section of the App. See : https://prnt.sc/9Sbmcftc0s9W , make sure you enable Authorised Domains which would require an additional step. 3. Also, make sure you enable signin with Apple : https://prnt.sc/GFMRNilAok6u , you will need to enter the Auth callback url which you need to copy from firebase project. 4. Login to your firebase project, and go to Authorisation - Sign in Tab. Enable Apple and you will be see a screen to copy the oAuth url : https://prnt.sc/EetD83lrFd4c 5. Use this same URL in the App signin with Apple configuration : https://prnt.sc/hFZBnQ2dPKNC 6. Now, enable Apple as signin option in WP admin - Vibebp - Settings - General

WPLMS 5.0 RoadMap

This might be a little early as we are into 4.2 & WPLMS plugin v 1.7 only. The plan is entire 4.x series of WPLMS will be focussed on improving and bug fixing in the current WPLMS framework. We expect to reach WPLMS 5.0 in later half this year. Remaining parts in 4.x
  1. Full compliance with WP 6.3 & Full site editing. The theme will provide an option to convert to an FSE theme or a non-FSE theme in options panel & setup wizard.
  2. Features polishing & presentation. Many included features in 4.0 are not announced like live contests etc.
  3. New Demos and Full Gutenberg compatibility. [ Live ]
  4. Report generator : pending.
The work on 5.0 has started quite a while ago, data is already being collected in 4.x versions for effective AI modules. The 5.0 series will be mostly focussed on including AI in WPLMS.
  1. AI powered units. Units using AI for completion.Units which match image, detect movement, detect sound patterns to mark completion and proceed to next.
  2. AI Powered questions : Question detecting movement, screen matching, Question which detect sound patterns and present score. [ Live ] 
  3. AI powered curriculum : Adaptable Courses - Auto-curriculum design based on user's progress. An instructor will only select unit tags and based on user's completion the curriculum will be designed by AI for every user.
  4. AI powered quizzes : The quizzes will automatically generate the question pattern for the user. An instructor will only select question tags and based on user's progress the question set will be designed based on the AI strategy selected by the instructor. [  Live ] 
  5. Exportable Courses : Export & Run your course in any xapi LMS.
We will also launch the plugin version of WPLMS in the first half to be used with any theme. Along with the Vibe Framework which will be posted on Wp.org.

Vibe PWA Framework : WPLMS Apps on iOS , Android & Microsoft

The WPLMS Project is built on the Vibe PWA Framework for WordPress. We have some great news, now you can publish Apps using the Vibe PWA framework on all platforms. Try out these apps : iOS : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wplms/id1589244357 Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vibethemes.twa&hl=en_US&gl=US Windows : https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/wplms/9pbv2xm5r1mj?activetab=pivot:overviewtab This presents a case with tremendous possibilities for the Vibe PWA framework. You get a lot of benefits like : a. Develop once, get in all apps b. All apps at once for all devices c. all apps at once for all platforms d. All apps at once for All member types We are working on some really interesting projects for the Vibe Framework and it means once it is complete, you will get those features on all platforms without spending extra $ for the Apps. PWA are also perfectly suited for distributed environments like the server-less platforms and the distributed apps. Upcoming in Vibe Framework
  1. Purchase Process inside PWA [ Android / iOS ]
  2. All directories inside PWA [ Members complete, Groups complete ]
  3. AI powered Worksheets Addon [ December 2021 ]
  4. Classrooms Addon [ Releasing soon ]
  5. Video Recording capabilities inside PWA, video already live. [ releasing soon ]
  6. Exportable Courses [ releasing soon ]
Further sections we are working on and which will be working on in 2022 :
  1. AI powered Curriculum for Adaptive Courses.
  2. AI powered Quizzes for adaptive Quizzes.
  3. Proctored Quizzes with face detection.
  4. Simple Games builder in Education.
Further exploration :
  1. An educational CRM
  2. Complete School Management on WPLMS
We are really excited to showcase the power of the Vibe PWA platform and give the best of the technology to our customers. Thank you for supporting the WPLMS Project. izmir escort

BP Course Completion Addon

This plugin basically checks whether all the required fields from the user's profile are filled or not. In case if it isn’t, the user is redirected to the profile to complete the fields. What it does:
  • Show Progress bar for the user's profile fields.
  • Prevent Users from performing activities in the site before completing the profile.
Download Link: bp-profile-completion-status-master

Course Invite application addon

This plugin basically adds some custom feature in course. Below is the detailed description of what it does. What it does:
  • It adds product URL on Take this course button, which provides access to purchase the course.
  • when a user completes the purchase, Take this course button will be changed to Apply for the course.
  • Apply for the course button take them to course form, which will be manually approved by an admin or will be automatically approved.
  • now Apply for course button will be changed to Start Course.
Download Link: course-invite-application-addon

Wplms product end date addon

This plugin provides you feature to set product's end date. What It Does:
  • Enable product's end date feature.
  • If you set the expiry date for any product, the expiry date will be applicable for all the courses in the product.
For Example: Product-A has 2 courses Course-A and Course-B. If you set an expiry date for Product-A, the expiry date will be applied to both courses Course-A and Course-B.

Save Quiz Answers feature, quiz submissions improvements

In WPLMS version 2.3, we've added a New Feature "Save Quiz answers". This feature allows users to save answers in the middle of a quiz. This is particularly helpful when the quizzes comprise of many questions or the duration of the quiz is very long. This feature is available for both in-course quizzes and standalone quizzes. We're also using the same functionality for saving the quiz answers marked by the users, so instead of one big submission for the entire quiz, we're now breaking it down to per question submission, which puts lesser load on servers. refer screenshots gallery: [gallery columns="4" link="none" ids="72617,72618,72619,72620,72621"]   The 2.3 is an important update as with this update we have made architectural changes in how questions are storing the answers. We're now setting a new meta field "quiz_id" for the question answers which are saved as comments for the question. Thus this change would allow us to re-use the questions in multiple quizzes which is very important for Dynamic quizzes. Another update is caching of Quiz results for users, instead of re-reading all the questions, their options, correct answers, we're now taking a snapshot of the quiz results and storing it. So even if you change the question content or options or correct answer for the question,  later on in time, the quiz result for the user stays the same.    

Search and Filter MyCourses and Instructing courses

From WPLMS version 2.2, the search and filters are coming in My Courses and Instructing courses tabs in your profile. The pagination, search, filtering, everything is ajax based improving the speed and overall user experience of your account.   My Courses : Instructing courses :

Live Search, Filter by status in Course – Admin

In WPLMS 2.2 version we've improved the course - admin area. Everything in this section is now ajax enabled and major improvements have been done to improve the overall speed and user experience. Live Search in Course - Admin area     Active Status Filter in Course - Admin     Course Status Filter in Course - Admin