Carrousel @ home page and translations

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  • #114726
    Hi, I have 3 questions:   1.-I'm using the page builder to populate the home page and I'm only able to add the courses in carrousel mode. I want to include all my courses in a grid mode. Is it possible? 2.- I can't find where to translate the "START COURSE" of the courses added with the page builder. 3.- Loco translate gives me an Error: Forbidden because of the Ajax Admin. I have to use WPML plugin, but is to heavy just to translate the strings. Is there an option? Thanks
    1.- I've found the "grid Mode" in the Page builder, but it makes me choose a width  in pixels, I'd prefer to choose how many blocks will be per row :-( 2.- This is driving me crazy, please help. 3.- Same as previous
    Hi, 1. Please refer to these screenshots : 2. START COURSE string is coming from the vibe course module plugin. 3. For this issue kindly provide us your wp-admin credentials and your ftp we will look into this issue.   Thank you.  
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