Lost translations in User / Top menu after update 2.9.1

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Translation issues Lost translations in User / Top menu after update 2.9.1

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  • #118374
    Hi I just paid for extended support and am hoping that you can help with an issue that occurred after updating WPLMS to the latest version 2.9.1: The translations in the Login top menu and User menu got lost. When taking a look in the Loco Translation Plugin the translations are there, just as before the update, but now they are no longer showing in the site. Would be thankful it you could help as soon as possible! Thanks in advance.  
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi... This could happen if the translation files are not synced with the pot file. Please try to sync the files. You can sync the files in loco translate plugin by clicking on sync button present beside the save button.  
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