Remove Number of Reviews

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  • #12197
    I'm attempting to remove the number of reviews from course listings such as these   I've been looking at doing this in CSS and had attempted the following in our Child Theme - this code comes from an earlier solution in the forums div#item-meta { display: none; } .footertop .footerwidget { text-align: center; } #headertop a{font-size:14px !important;} .more_course .review_course:first-child,.course_finish .review_title,.course_finish .review_title+#message{ display: none; } .product.woocommerce.add_to_cart_inline{border:none !important;} .more_course .review_course{margin-top:20px !important;} .item-list-tabs #activity-personal-li,.item-list-tabs #xprofile-personal-li, .item-list-tabs #settings-personal-li{ display:none; } .certificate_content:before{ content:' '; display:none; } .block.courseitem span.clear+strong{display:none;} .block.courseitem .instructor_course + strong,.widget_course_list li h6 span{ display:none !important; } #footerlogo { display: none; } .course_reviews, #course-list .item-meta .students{display:none;} .field-visibility-settings, .field-visibility-settings-notoggle, .field-visibility-settings-toggle{display: none !important;} .course_reviews{ display:none; } .breadcrumbs{display:none;} .course_reviews .review_title, #course-list .item-meta .students{display:none;} #buddypress div#item-header div#item-meta .students { display: none; } .students_undertaking{ display:none; } .course_description{ padding-top:20px; border-top:1px solid #efefef; } .star-rating { display:none; } .bp-user .mfp-auto-cursor .mfp-content{max-width:800px !important;} .course_timeline li.done > span:before{position: absolute; left: 6px;margin:0; top: 3px;} .block_media { position: relative; max-height: 150px; overflow: hidden; } .block.courseitem .block_content { height: 120px; } .course_reviews{display:none;} .block.courseitem.course2 .block_content .star-rating{ display:none; }   Unfortunately I'm not getting any luck with this. Can you point me to how the review number is generated. I'm hoping that perhaps a filter in PHP might do this?      
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try addding the given css from wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> custom css : #course-list .item-meta { display: none !important;   }
    Perfect   Thank you
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