courses styling issue.

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  • #12282
    Hello, I have a little visual issue.. Courses are overflow on smaller devices.. I have set 5 courses in 1 column. On tablets and mobiles there are showing for example 2 and a half courses. I don't want it to show the half of the course. please check at the attached picture below. Thank you.
    take a look please at my website.. your admin login: username: Author password: Author4321 issues are showing on my homepage and "seznam kurzu" Thank you again.
    2) Please also help align the course filter to the center. Please check the attached image below. Thank you.
    Anshuman Sahu
    It seems you have mixed the page builder content with vc content . Please use the page builder blocks and vc blocks separately to avoid such styling issues .
    YEs because I want to be using VC but there are no courses Items to be showing so I am generatin shortcodes from page builder and then I put it into VC Do you have any other suggestions? Last time I asked how can be course items shown in VC and you guys said only if you generate shortcode and paste it into VC. I think I need hel for that cuz of the visual issue. Thabk you
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try adding the shortcodes in a container (not fluid)that have some margin from the left and right .
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