Hi I had initially an issue with bullets not showing on product pages, in units, and in Visual Composer blocks. I browsed through the support forum and found this solution:
.wpb_text_column ul {
list-style: disc inside;
.wpb_text_column ol {
list-style: decimal inside;
It did indeed fix the bullet problem. However, now when I make numbered lists (I tried in a unit), they appear as bullets! I don't remember, whether I have tried adding numbered lists earlier, so I don't know, whether this is an original or new issue.
Any suggestions?
Please share your unit url where this issue is appearing .
Here's the URL to the unit: https://wpbloggingnerd.org/eacademy/unit/webmaster-tools/?id=242
Do you need login credentials?
Please try adding this given css in your wp-admin -> apperance -> customize -> custom css :
.unit_content ol {list-style: decimal inside;}
Ok, I'll try that.
How can I make bullets work in products? Cause they don't seem to work there.
Try adding the bellow css:
.content ul {list-style:disc;padding-left:15px;}
.content 0l {list-style:decimal;padding-left:15px;}
Thanks it works in products now.