I am trying to create a custom featured block but it's not working here is my code:
class WPLMS_Customizer_Plugin_Class // We'll use this just to avoid function name conflicts
public function __construct(){
} // END public function __construct
public function activate(){
// ADD Custom Code which you want to run when the plugin is activated
public function deactivate(){
// ADD Custom Code which you want to run when the plugin is de-activated
function custom_vibe_builder_thumb_styles($thumb_array){
$thumb_array['custom_block'] = 'http://xyz/gxrPvvJ.jpg';
return $thumb_array;
function custom_vibe_featured_thumbnail_style($thumbnail_html,$post,$style){
if($style == 'custom_block'){ //Custom block is the same name as added for the thumbnail in pagebuilder
$thumbnail_html ='';
$thumbnail_html .= '';
$thumbnail_html .= '';
$thumbnail_html .= $post->post_content;
$thumbnail_html .= '';
$thumbnail_html .= '';
$thumbnail_html .= '
ID).'" title="'.$post->post_title.'">'.$post->post_title.'demo';
$thumbnail_html .= '';
return $thumbnail_html;
// ADD custom Code in clas
} // END class WPLMS_Customizer_Class
} // END if(!class_exists('WPLMS_Customizer_Class'))