I installed demo8 at https://mpuniversity.com. It's a GREAT skin!! I made 2 versions of the logo. The main logo has a white letter. Then, when you scroll down, I made a 2nd version of the logo so that the letters are black (because the menu is a white background).
I uploaded the 2nd logo as the Alternate logo. But when you you scroll down the page of https://mpuniversity.com, it does not change from the white lettering to the black lettering. Can you tell me how to have the logo change to the black lettering when the user scrolls down the page?
Can anyone provide insights on this issue?
The demo 8 uses the app header style, it only shows the main logo and the mobile logo in the mobile devices. The alternate logo is not shown in this header style.
However you can change the header background color when you scroll.
Go to appearance->customize->header->top header/fixed background color, and then change the color according to your requirements.
Thanks! That worked great!