i hit this error after i performed the following steps:
- login as student
- click on profile under student name
screenshot of the error is as attached. Thanks for your help!
i clicked on the other options, such as
1. dashboard
2. courses
3. stats
4. inbox
5. notifications
6. settings
all hit the same error. Hope you can help.
so i scanned the function causing the error, and the syntax seems weird:
private function __construct(){
$this->option = 'bp-profile-cover';
add_options_page(__('BP Profile Coversettings','bp-profile-cover'),__('BP Profile Cover','bp-profile-cover'),'manage_options','bp-profile-cover',array($this,'settings'));
function__construct() seems odd. is this the reason?
No function__construct() is not the problem, <span style="line-height: 1.5;">add_options_page() is </span>undefined<span style="line-height: 1.5;">. However it is working at our test site. </span>add_options_page() is a wordpress function, its not a custom function function of our own.
Please try deactivating the third party plugins and make sure that all your plugins and theme is up to date.