Custom registration form terms & conditions

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  • #180520
    Hi! Is there a way to hook the buddypress terms and conditons check (that is already present in the theme) to the custom registration forms? Or is there any other easy way to get a terms and conditions check on the custom registration pages? Without a check like this it is simply useless.. Kind regards
    Anshuman Sahu
        Well yes we can show it with bit of custom code but you have to add a extra field named terms and conditions in your custom registration from which will be a required field . please try adding this given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :  
    Thanks! I tried the snippet but it breaks the site (cannot load it anymore).  Also I am not really sure what you mean with adding an extra field? Do you mean adding a buddypress field? If so what type and name? Kind regards
    Anshuman Sahu
    please share your site url , admin credentials and valid FTP credentials in private reply to check this issue at your end .
    @alex i have tried this code, but it breaks the site. the site not load. can you check your code please (same error as @dantwah)
    Anshuman Sahu
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