
Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Setup issues upload_max_filesize

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  • #184984
    Hi, I can  not upload the worms theme, as the package exceed the max file size. Where do i have to  change the max file size and which is the correct file size. Thanks Julia   P.S. Sorry for those "Greenhorn" WP-Question
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please contact your webhost and ask them to increase the upload max file size parameter of php configuration as well as the post max size . also ask webhost to have atleast this much php configuration to make it work : WP Memory Limit:    128 Mb WP Max Upload Size:    32 MB PHP Post Max Size:    32 MB PHP Time Limit:    240 PHP Max Input Vars:    1000   Or alternatively upload theme via cpanel or ftp : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbcDjZVChIw
    Thanks Alex
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