- I can't find how to create a forum in wplms...I updated theme and the access to forums dissapeared...
When a teacher try to access to LMS>COURSES or LMS>UNITS always obtains a 301 error
Mi website is: opositaonline.com
Thanks in advance
2. When a teacher try to access to LMS>COURSES or LMS>UNITS always obtains a 301 error and he gets redirected to home page same the tip does when added .
I'm not using this tip: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/restrict-instructors-from-accessing-wp-admin-panel/
My credentials as admin are: user: opositaonline/ pass: miguel82Hmadrid77
My web is: opositaonline.com
I cannot login to your site, it gives me "502 error Bad Gateway". Please contact your webhost related to this.