I am having an issue with the certificate.
When the certificate image is generated the image dissapears, resulting in an ugly certificate.
After some research I see that this is due to using an external server for our media content (google cloud).
Is there a fix that the screenshot can take this image as well? Maybe with some lag in the html2canvas or something? This would be amazing.
Kind regards
This thread may give some insight (I am just not sure how to fix this myself..)
Thanks for the response. I tried the fix but it stops the formation of the image, so this is not an option.
I also tried: useCORS:true
This also does not work.
Any other way in which this can be fixed?
Well its a script related issue . You would need to use the images in your certificate from same domain instead of CDN . and disable replacing image with CDN for certificates only . For that please contact the CDN service you are using .
We also have an alternative of our certificates .
We have build and addon to integrate with
Accredible certificates.
Thanks for the reference.
I like the way certificates work atm, and I find accredible very expensive.
Issue is we use an external server to store our images (besides CDN), to keep the site fast.
There should be a way right to use an image of an external source?
my apologies. we cant do anything about it. as this is not coming from our code, we are using 3rd party scripts for certificate and we cant control that. the only solution is to disable the CDN for the certificate.