Profile Role Issue

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  • #196294
    Hi, When I am going to assign the role of instructor for a user, I see that there are two roles called "Instructor". One of them works and the other does not. See image please: When I inspect this element, I see that they are two different roles with the same name: One that is "Instructor = Instructor" And the other one that is "Instructor = lp_teacher" Could you please tell me what is the role of "lp_teacher? See image please: I would like to know the function of this role and see how I can assign it a different name, so that it does not generate confusion. Thanks in advance.
    may be you ave installed any other plugin before. like Learn press etc. If you want to remove this role try this: Go to wp-admin -> plugins -> editor-> wplms-customizer plugin-> and add following code below in wplms-customizer.php : add_action('init',function (){  $wp_roles = new WP_Roles();  $wp_roles->remove_role("lp_teacher"); });
    Thank you. I have successfully removed that repeated role following your instructions (I did it through File Zilla, because it was not allowed through the Plugin Editor directly). I did not have a plugin like Learn Press, but I had previously installed an educational theme. I thought that theme had been eliminated completely, but I can see that it is not like that. (This is going to be a headache. Any suggestions to remove traces of previous themes or plugins? And also, could you please give me the list of roles that WPLMS handles? I would like to eliminate other roles that WPLMS may not use, in order to avoid confusion in the future. I really appreciate your help.
    Well, I will suggest you to ignore the roles, Extra roles are due to plugins. If you are not using any role then its presence doesn't affect.
    User roles by wplms and woocomerce : List  
    Thank you. Sorry, this last code is for me?
    I am sorry, By mistake I send you that code. please ignore.
    No problem. Thanks. You may close this topic.
    Thanks for confirmation.  
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