Where student will write testimonial. From backend, I have created one by providing name of the student but on frontend, it shows image of mine instance of that student.
Please share the screenshots so that i can replicate the issue for better support.
Also if you have queries
Create separate topics for the separate issues.
- Please elaborate them.
- Give proper steps to replicate the issue.
- Please provide proper screenshot, use https://prnt.sc/ to upload and share url of the screenshot.
- If you want to send us a video of the issue, use https://screencast-o-matic.com/ to upload and share url of the video.
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first of all let me tell you one thing. user cant access the back-end panel. only the users who has the role of admin can access the back-end and will get an option of testimonial.
regarding featured image, you have to set it every time on behalf of an user. if you do not set it, it will take the default featured image of its author.
- http://prntscr.com/mwn3l8
- http://prntscr.com/mwn3y4
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Hey There,
Cheers ! If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me again.
Closing this topic.
Best regards:)