How can tutors access their assignment feedback once submitted to a student in case they want to edit it or just view the response?
Please refer :
Same process will follow for the assignments.
You need to goto the assignments edit page at the backend to search for the user id .
Hi Alex,
you misunderstood. I am not asking how to re-grade assignment. I am asking where can a tutor see his own feedback once posted for assignment? Often students reply to what tutor has said in the assignment feedback and require a more detailed answer. Now if tutor cannot see what he originally posted in the first feedback to a student, he cannot get the full picture of the conversation in its whole context so how could he reply?
Similar to receiving a reply to an email. If you receive a reply without your original message included, it is often impossible to understand what the person is referring to. It may be easy communicating with 2-3 people. But when you're dealing with hundreds of students then it is impossible to remember what you said in the assignment.
Instructor can see his remarks given from the sent box in the buddypress messages page in his profile .